import Posts from "meteor/nova:posts"; getEmbedlyData = function (url) { var data = {}; var extractBase = ''; var embedlyKey = Telescope.settings.get('embedlyKey'); var thumbnailWidth = Telescope.settings.get('thumbnailWidth', 200); var thumbnailHeight = Telescope.settings.get('thumbnailHeight', 125); if(!embedlyKey) { // fail silently to still let the post be submitted as usual console.log("Couldn't find an Embedly API key! Please add it to your Telescope settings or remove the Embedly module."); return null; } try { var result = Meteor.http.get(extractBase, { params: { key: embedlyKey, url: url, image_width: thumbnailWidth, image_height: thumbnailHeight, image_method: 'crop' } }); // console.log(result) if (!! && !! // there may not always be an image =[0].url.replace("http:", ""); // add thumbnailUrl as its own property and remove "http" if ( && > 0) { =[0].name; =[0].url; } var embedlyData = _.pick(, 'title', 'media', 'description', 'thumbnailUrl', 'sourceName', 'sourceUrl'); return embedlyData; } catch (error) { console.log(error) // the first 13 characters of the Embedly errors are "failed [400] ", so remove them and parse the rest var errorObject = JSON.parse(error.message.substring(13)); throw new Meteor.Error(errorObject.error_code, errorObject.error_message); return null; } } // For security reason, we make the media property non-modifiable by the client and // we use a separate server-side API call to set it (and the thumbnail object if it hasn't already been set) // Async variant that directly modifies the post object with update() function addMediaAfterSubmit (post) { var set = {}; if(post.url){ var data = getEmbedlyData(post.url); if (!!data) { // only add a thumbnailUrl if there isn't one already if (!post.thumbnailUrl && !!data.thumbnailUrl) { set.thumbnailUrl = data.thumbnailUrl; } // add media if necessary if (!! { =; } // add source name & url if they exist if (!!data.sourceName && !!data.sourceUrl) { set.sourceName = data.sourceName; set.sourceUrl = data.sourceUrl; } } // make sure set object is not empty (Embedly call could have failed) if(!_.isEmpty(set)) { Posts.update(post._id, {$set: set}); } } } Telescope.callbacks.add("", addMediaAfterSubmit); function updateMediaOnEdit (modifier, post) { var newUrl = modifier.$set.url; if(newUrl && newUrl !== post.url){ var data = getEmbedlyData(newUrl); if(!!data) { if (!! { modifier.$ =; } // add source name & url if they exist if (!!data.sourceName && !!data.sourceUrl) { modifier.$set.sourceName = data.sourceName; modifier.$set.sourceUrl = data.sourceUrl; } } } return modifier; } Telescope.callbacks.add("posts.edit.sync", updateMediaOnEdit); var regenerateThumbnail = function (post) { delete post.thumbnailUrl; delete; delete post.sourceName; delete post.sourceUrl; addMediaAfterSubmit(post); }; Meteor.methods({ testGetEmbedlyData: function (url) { check(url, String); console.log(getEmbedlyData(url)); }, getEmbedlyData: function (url) { check(url, String); return getEmbedlyData(url); }, embedlyKeyExists: function () { return !!Telescope.settings.get('embedlyKey'); }, generateThumbnail: function (post) { check(post, Posts.simpleSchema()); if (Users.can.edit(Meteor.user(), post)) { regenerateThumbnail(post); } }, generateThumbnails: function (limit = 20, mode = "generate") { // mode = "generate" : generate thumbnails only for all posts that don't have one // mode = "all" : regenerate thumbnais for all posts if ( { console.log("// Generating thumbnails…") const selector = {url: {$exists: true}}; if (mode === "generate") { selector.thumbnailUrl = {$exists: false}; } const posts = Posts.find(selector, {limit: limit, sort: {postedAt: -1}}); posts.forEach((post, index) => { Meteor.setTimeout(function () { console.log(`// ${index}. fetching thumbnail for “${post.title}” (_id: ${post._id})`); try { regenerateThumbnail(post); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }, index * 1000); }); } } });