// TODO: get rid of this? /* Utilities for displaying icons. */ import { Utils } from './utils.js'; // ------------------------------ Dynamic Icons ------------------------------ // /** * @summary Take an icon name (such as "open") and return the HTML code to display the icon * @param {string} iconName - the name of the icon * @param {string} [iconClass] - an optional class to assign to the icon */ Utils.getIcon = function (iconName, iconClass) { var icons = Utils.icons; var iconCode = !!icons[iconName] ? icons[iconName] : iconName; iconClass = (typeof iconClass === 'string') ? ' '+iconClass : ''; return ''; }; /** * @summary A directory of icon keys and icon codes */ Utils.icons = { expand: 'angle-right', collapse: 'angle-down', next: 'angle-right', close: 'times', upvote: 'chevron-up', voted: 'check', downvote: 'chevron-down', facebook: 'facebook-square', twitter: 'twitter', googleplus: 'google-plus', linkedin: 'linkedin-square', comment: 'comment-o', share: 'share-square-o', more: 'ellipsis-h', menu: 'bars', subscribe: 'envelope-o', delete: 'trash-o', edit: 'pencil', popularity: 'fire', time: 'clock-o', best: 'star', search: 'search', approve: 'check-circle-o', reject: 'times-circle-o', views: 'eye', clicks: 'mouse-pointer', score: 'line-chart', reply: 'reply', spinner: 'spinner', new: 'plus', user: 'user', like: 'heart', image: 'picture-o', };