var htmlToText = Npm.require('html-to-text'); scheduleCampaign = function (campaign, isTest) { var isTest = typeof isTest === 'undefined' ? false : isTest; var apiKey = Settings.get('mailChimpAPIKey'); var listId = Settings.get('mailChimpListId'); if(!!apiKey && !!listId){ var wordCount = 15; var subject = campaign.subject; while (subject.length >= 150){ subject = Telescope.utils.trimWords(subject, wordCount); wordCount--; } try { var api = new MailChimp(apiKey); var text = htmlToText.fromString(campaign.html, {wordwrap: 130}); var defaultEmail = Settings.get('defaultEmail'); var campaignOptions = { type: 'regular', options: { list_id: listId, subject: subject, from_email: defaultEmail, from_name: Settings.get('title')+ ' Top Posts', }, content: { html: campaign.html, text: text } }; console.log( '// Creating campaign…'); // create campaign var mailchimpCampaign = 'campaigns', 'create', campaignOptions); console.log( '// Campaign created'); // console.log(campaign) var scheduledTime = moment().utcOffset(0).add(1, 'hours').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); var scheduleOptions = { cid:, schedule_time: scheduledTime }; // schedule campaign var schedule ='campaigns', 'schedule', scheduleOptions); console.log('// Campaign scheduled for '+scheduledTime); // console.log(schedule) // if this is not a test, mark posts as sent if (!isTest) var updated = Posts.update({_id: {$in: campaign.postIds}}, {$set: {scheduledAt: new Date()}}, {multi: true}) // send confirmation email var confirmationHtml ='emailDigestConfirmation')({ time: scheduledTime, newsletterLink: mailchimpCampaign.archive_url, subject: subject });, 'Newsletter scheduled',; } catch (error) { console.log(error); } return subject; } }; addToMailChimpList = function(userOrEmail, confirm, done){ var user, email; var confirm = (typeof confirm === 'undefined') ? false : confirm; // default to no confirmation // not sure if it's really necessary that the function take both user and email? if (typeof userOrEmail === "string") { user = null; email = userOrEmail; } else if (typeof userOrEmail === "object") { user = userOrEmail; email = Users.getEmail(user); if (!email) throw 'User must have an email address'; } var apiKey = Settings.get('mailChimpAPIKey'); var listId = Settings.get('mailChimpListId'); // add a user to a MailChimp list. // called when a new user is created, or when an existing user fills in their email if(!!apiKey && !!listId){ try { console.log('// Adding "'+email+'" to MailChimp list…'); var api = new MailChimp(apiKey); var subscribeOptions = { id: listId, email: {"email": email}, double_optin: confirm }; // subscribe user var subscribe ='lists', 'subscribe', subscribeOptions); // mark user as subscribed if(!!user) Users.setUserSetting('subscribedToNewsletter', true, user); console.log("// User subscribed"); return subscribe; } catch (error) { throw new Meteor.Error("subscription-failed", error.message); } } }; Meteor.methods({ addCurrentUserToMailChimpList: function(){ var currentUser = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId); try { return addToMailChimpList(currentUser, false); } catch (error) { throw new Meteor.Error(500, error.message); } }, addEmailToMailChimpList: function (email) { try { return addToMailChimpList(email, true); } catch (error) { throw new Meteor.Error(500, error.message); } } });