import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo'; import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'; import { addGraphQLCollection, addToGraphQLContext } from './graphql.js'; import { Utils } from './utils.js'; import { runCallbacks, runCallbacksAsync } from './callbacks.js'; import { getSetting, registerSetting } from './settings.js'; import { registerFragment, getDefaultFragmentText } from './fragments.js'; import escapeStringRegexp from 'escape-string-regexp'; import { validateIntlField, getIntlString, isIntlField } from './intl'; const wrapAsync = (Meteor.wrapAsync)? Meteor.wrapAsync : Meteor._wrapAsync; // import { debug } from './debug.js'; registerSetting('maxDocumentsPerRequest', 1000, 'Maximum documents per request'); // will be set to `true` if there is one or more intl schema fields export let hasIntlFields = false; export const Collections = []; export const getCollection = name => Collections.find(({ options: { collectionName }}) => name === collectionName || name === collectionName.toLowerCase()); // TODO: find more reliable way to get collection name from type name? export const getCollectionName = typeName => Utils.pluralize(typeName); // TODO: find more reliable way to get type name from collection name? export const getTypeName = collectionName => collectionName.slice(0,-1); /** * @summary replacement for Collection2's attachSchema. Pass either a schema, to * initialize or replace the schema, or some fields, to extend the current schema * @class Mongo.Collection */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.attachSchema = function (schemaOrFields) { if (schemaOrFields instanceof SimpleSchema) { this.simpleSchema = () => schemaOrFields; } else { this.simpleSchema().extend(schemaOrFields) } }; /** * @summary Add an additional field (or an array of fields) to a schema. * @param {Object|Object[]} field */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.addField = function (fieldOrFieldArray) { const collection = this; const schema = collection.simpleSchema()._schema; const fieldSchema = {}; const fieldArray = Array.isArray(fieldOrFieldArray) ? fieldOrFieldArray : [fieldOrFieldArray]; // loop over fields and add them to schema (or extend existing fields) fieldArray.forEach(function (field) { fieldSchema[field.fieldName] = field.fieldSchema; }); // add field schema to collection schema collection.attachSchema(fieldSchema); }; /** * @summary Remove a field from a schema. * @param {String} fieldName */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.removeField = function (fieldName) { var collection = this; var schema = _.omit(collection.simpleSchema()._schema, fieldName); // add field schema to collection schema collection.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema(schema)); }; /** * @summary Add a default view function. * @param {Function} view */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.addDefaultView = function (view) { this.defaultView = view; }; /** * @summary Add a named view function. * @param {String} viewName * @param {Function} view */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.addView = function (viewName, view) { this.views[viewName] = view; }; /** * @summary Allow mongodb aggregation * @param {Array} pipelines mongodb pipeline * @param {Object} options mongodb option object */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.aggregate = function (pipelines, options) { var coll = this.rawCollection(); return wrapAsync(coll.aggregate.bind(coll))(pipelines, options); }; // see Mongo.Collection.prototype.helpers = function(helpers) { var self = this; if (self._transform && !self._helpers) throw new Meteor.Error('Can\'t apply helpers to \'' + self._name + '\' a transform function already exists!'); if (!self._helpers) { self._helpers = function Document(doc) { return _.extend(this, doc); }; self._transform = function(doc) { return new self._helpers(doc); }; } _.each(helpers, function(helper, key) { self._helpers.prototype[key] = helper; }); }; export const createCollection = options => { const { typeName, collectionName = getCollectionName(typeName), schema, generateGraphQLSchema = true, dbCollectionName } = options; // initialize new Mongo collection const collection = collectionName === 'Users' && Meteor.users ? Meteor.users : new Mongo.Collection(dbCollectionName ? dbCollectionName : collectionName.toLowerCase()); // decorate collection with options collection.options = options; // add typeName if missing collection.typeName = typeName; collection.options.typeName = typeName; collection.options.singleResolverName = Utils.camelCaseify(typeName); collection.options.multiResolverName = Utils.camelCaseify(Utils.pluralize(typeName)); // add collectionName if missing collection.collectionName = collectionName; collection.options.collectionName = collectionName; // add views collection.views = []; // generate foo_intl fields Object.keys(schema).forEach(fieldName => { const fieldSchema = schema[fieldName]; if (isIntlField(fieldSchema)) { // we have at least one intl field hasIntlFields = true; // remove `intl` to avoid treating new _intl field as a field to internationalize // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars const { intl, ...propertiesToCopy } = schema[fieldName]; schema[`${fieldName}_intl`] = { ...propertiesToCopy, // copy properties from regular field hidden: true, type: Array, isIntlData: true, }; delete schema[`${fieldName}_intl`].intl; schema[`${fieldName}_intl.$`] = { type: getIntlString(), }; // if original field is required, enable custom validation function instead of `optional` property if (!schema[fieldName].optional) { schema[`${fieldName}_intl`].optional = true; schema[`${fieldName}_intl`].custom = validateIntlField; } // make original non-intl field optional schema[fieldName].optional = true; } }); if (schema) { // attach schema to collection collection.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema(schema)); } // add collection to resolver context const context = {}; context[collectionName] = collection; addToGraphQLContext(context); if (generateGraphQLSchema){ // add collection to list of dynamically generated GraphQL schemas addGraphQLCollection(collection); } runCallbacksAsync({ name: '*.collection', properties: { options } }); runCallbacksAsync({ name: `${collectionName}.collection`, properties: { options } }); // ------------------------------------- Default Fragment -------------------------------- // const defaultFragment = getDefaultFragmentText(collection); if (defaultFragment) registerFragment(defaultFragment); // ------------------------------------- Parameters -------------------------------- // collection.getParameters = (terms = {}, apolloClient, context) => { // console.log(terms); let parameters = { selector: {}, options: {} }; if (collection.defaultView) { parameters = Utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, collection.defaultView(terms, apolloClient)); } // handle view option if (terms.view && collection.views[terms.view]) { const view = collection.views[terms.view]; parameters = Utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, view(terms, apolloClient, context)); } // iterate over posts.parameters callbacks parameters = runCallbacks(`${typeName.toLowerCase()}.parameters`, parameters, _.clone(terms), apolloClient, context); // OpenCRUD backwards compatibility parameters = runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.parameters`, parameters, _.clone(terms), apolloClient, context); if (Meteor.isClient) { parameters = runCallbacks(`${typeName.toLowerCase()}.parameters.client`, parameters, _.clone(terms), apolloClient); // OpenCRUD backwards compatibility parameters = runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.parameters.client`, parameters, _.clone(terms), apolloClient); } // note: check that context exists to avoid calling this from withList during SSR if (Meteor.isServer && context) { parameters = runCallbacks(`${typeName.toLowerCase()}.parameters.server`, parameters, _.clone(terms), context); // OpenCRUD backwards compatibility parameters = runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.parameters.server`, parameters, _.clone(terms), context); } // sort using terms.orderBy (overwrite defaultView's sort) if (terms.orderBy && !_.isEmpty(terms.orderBy)) { parameters.options.sort = terms.orderBy } // if there is no sort, default to sorting by createdAt descending if (!parameters.options.sort) { parameters.options.sort = { createdAt: -1 }; } // extend sort to sort posts by _id to break ties, unless there's already an id sort // NOTE: always do this last to avoid overriding another sort if (!(parameters.options.sort && parameters.options.sort._id)) { parameters = Utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, {options: {sort: {_id: -1}}}); } // remove any null fields (setting a field to null means it should be deleted) _.keys(parameters.selector).forEach(key => { if (parameters.selector[key] === null) delete parameters.selector[key]; }); if (parameters.options.sort) { _.keys(parameters.options.sort).forEach(key => { if (parameters.options.sort[key] === null) delete parameters.options.sort[key]; }); } if (terms.query) { const query = escapeStringRegexp(terms.query); const currentSchema = collection.simpleSchema()._schema; const searchableFieldNames = _.filter(_.keys(currentSchema), fieldName => currentSchema[fieldName].searchable); if (searchableFieldNames.length) { parameters = Utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, { selector: { $or: => ({[fieldName]: {$regex: query, $options: 'i'}})) } }); } } // limit number of items to 1000 by default const maxDocuments = getSetting('maxDocumentsPerRequest', 1000); const limit = terms.limit || parameters.options.limit; parameters.options.limit = (!limit || limit < 1 || limit > maxDocuments) ? maxDocuments : limit; // console.log(parameters); return parameters; }; Collections.push(collection); return collection; };