// var fs = Npm.require('fs'); // var path = Npm.require('path'); // We use this patch to avoid data injection failure during server-side rendering on Meteor 1.4 // All the credits for this package goes to Arunoda, Kadira's team & @rigconfig // see https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/7992 Package.describe({ "summary": "A way to inject data to the client with initial HTML", "version": "2.0.1-patch", "git": "https://github.com/meteorhacks/inject-data", "name": "meteorhacks:inject-data" }); Package.onUse(function(api) { configure(api); api.export('InjectData', ['client', 'server']); }); function configure (api) { api.versionsFrom('METEOR@0.9.3'); api.use(['ejson', 'underscore'], ['server', 'client']); api.use('jquery', 'client'); api.addFiles([ 'lib/inject.html', ], 'server', {isAsset: true}); api.addFiles([ 'lib/namespace.js', 'lib/utils.js', ], ['client', 'server']); api.addFiles([ 'lib/server.js' ], 'server'); api.addFiles([ 'lib/client.js' ], 'client'); }