import React from 'react'; import { match, RouterContext, createMemoryHistory } from 'react-router'; import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server' import { ServerStyleSheet } from 'styled-components' import moment from 'moment'; import { RoutePolicy } from 'meteor/routepolicy'; import { withRenderContextEnvironment, InjectData } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib'; function isAppUrl(req) { const url = req.url; if (url === '/favicon.ico' || url === '/robots.txt') { return false; } if (url === '/app.manifest') { return false; } // Avoid serving app HTML for declared routes such as /sockjs/. if (RoutePolicy.classify(url)) { return false; } // we only need to support HTML pages only for browsers // Facebook's scraper uses a request header Accepts: */* // so allow either const facebookAcceptsHeader = new RegExp('/*\/*/'); return /html/.test(req.headers.accept) || facebookAcceptsHeader.test(req.headers.accept); } function generateSSRData(options, req, res, renderProps) { let html; let css; let styledComponentCss; try { req.css = ''; renderProps = { ...renderProps, ...options.props, }; const appGenerator = addProps => ; let app; if (typeof options.wrapperHook === 'function') { app = options.wrapperHook(req, res, appGenerator); } if (options.preRender) { options.preRender(req, res, app); } if (!options.disableSSR) { const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet(); html = renderToString(sheet.collectStyles(app)); styledComponentCss = sheet.getStyleTags(); } else if (options.loadingScreen) { html = options.loadingScreen; } if (typeof options.dehydrateHook === 'function') { const data = options.dehydrateHook(req, res); InjectData.pushData(res, 'dehydrated-initial-data', JSON.stringify(data)); } // send server timezone to client InjectData.pushData(res, 'utcOffset', moment().utcOffset()); if (options.postRender) { options.postRender(req, res); } css = req.css; } catch (err) { console.error(`Error while server-rendering. date: ${new Date().toString()} url: ${req.url}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console console.error(err); // eslint-disable-line no-console } return { html, css, styledComponentCss }; } function sendSSRHtml(options, req, res, next, renderProps) { const { css, html, styledComponentCss } = generateSSRData(options, req, res, renderProps); req.dynamicHead = req.dynamicHead || ''; req.dynamicBody = req.dynamicBody || ''; // css declared in the project if (css) { req.dynamicHead += ``; } // css collected by styled-components if (styledComponentCss) { req.dynamicHead += styledComponentCss; } let rootElementAttributes = ''; const attributes = options.rootElementAttributes instanceof Array ? options.rootElementAttributes : []; if (attributes[0] instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { rootElementAttributes += ` ${attributes[i][0]}="${attributes[i][1]}"`; } } else if (attributes.length > 0) { rootElementAttributes = ` ${attributes[0]}="${attributes[1]}"`; } req.dynamicBody += `<${options.rootElementType || 'div'} id="${options.rootElement || 'react-app'}"${rootElementAttributes}>${html || ''}`; if (typeof options.htmlHook === 'function') { const { dynamicHead, dynamicBody } = options.htmlHook(req, res, req.dynamicHead, req.dynamicBody); req.dynamicHead = dynamicHead; req.dynamicBody = dynamicBody; } next(); } export const RouterServer = { run(routes, options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } withRenderContextEnvironment(function routerMiddleware(context, req, res, next) { if (!isAppUrl(req)) { next(); return; } let history = createMemoryHistory(req.url); if (typeof options.historyHook === 'function') { history = options.historyHook(req, res, history); } match({ history, routes, location: req.url }, (err, redirectLocation, renderProps) => { if (err) { res.writeHead(500); res.write(err.messages); res.end(); } else if (redirectLocation) { res.writeHead(302, { Location: redirectLocation.pathname + }); res.end(); } else if (renderProps) { sendSSRHtml(options, req, res, next, renderProps); } else { res.writeHead(404); res.write('Not found'); res.end(); } }); }, { order: 800 }); }, };