import Users from 'meteor/nova:users'; import { addCallback } from 'meteor/nova:core'; import { updateScore } from './scoring.js'; import { getVotePower } from '../vote.js'; /** * @summary Update an item's (post or comment) score * @param {object} item - The item being operated on * @param {object} user - The user doing the operation * @param {object} collection - The collection the item belongs to * @param {string} operation - The operation being performed */ function updateItemScore (item, user, collection, operation) { updateScore({collection: collection, item: item, forceUpdate: true}); } addCallback("upvote.async", updateItemScore); addCallback("downvote.async", updateItemScore); addCallback("cancelUpvote.async", updateItemScore); addCallback("cancelDownvote.async", updateItemScore); /** * @summary Update the profile of the user doing the operation * @param {object} item - The item being operated on * @param {object} user - The user doing the operation * @param {object} collection - The collection the item belongs to * @param {string} operation - The operation being performed */ function updateUser (item, user, collection, operation) { var update = {}; var votePower = getVotePower(user); var vote = { itemId: item._id, votedAt: new Date(), power: votePower }; switch (operation) { case "upvote": update.$addToSet = {'upvotedPosts': vote}; break; case "downvote": update.$addToSet = {'downvotedPosts': vote}; break; case "cancelUpvote": update.$pull = {'upvotedPosts': {itemId: item._id}}; break; case "cancelDownvote": update.$pull = {'downvotedPosts': {itemId: item._id}}; break; } Users.update({_id: user._id}, update); } addCallback("upvote.async", updateUser); addCallback("downvote.async", updateUser); addCallback("cancelUpvote.async", updateUser); addCallback("cancelDownvote.async", updateUser); /** * @summary Update the karma of the item's owner * @param {object} item - The item being operated on * @param {object} user - The user doing the operation * @param {object} collection - The collection the item belongs to * @param {string} operation - The operation being performed */ function updateKarma (item, user, collection, operation) { var votePower = getVotePower(user); var karmaAmount = (operation === "upvote" || operation === "cancelDownvote") ? votePower : -votePower; // only update karma is the operation isn't done by the item's author if (item.userId !== user._id) { Users.update({_id: item.userId}, {$inc: {"karma": karmaAmount}}); } } addCallback("upvote.async", updateKarma); addCallback("downvote.async", updateKarma); addCallback("cancelUpvote.async", updateKarma); addCallback("cancelDownvote.async", updateKarma);