buildCampaign = function (postsCount) { // Every x days, find the top y posts that haven't yet been part of a digest, // build a template around them, and pass the whole thing on to sender function. var params = getParameters({ view: 'campaign', limit: postsCount }); var campaignPosts = Posts.find(params.find, params.options).fetch(); // 1. Iterate through posts and pass each of them through a handlebars template var postsHTML =, function(post){ // the naked post object as stored in the database is missing a few properties, so let's add them var properties = _.extend(post, { authorName: getAuthorName(post), userAvatar: getAvatarUrl(Meteor.users.findOne(post.userId)), cleanHeadline:encodeURIComponent(post.title), cleanURL:encodeURIComponent(post.url), postLink: getPostLink(post) }); if(post.url) properties.domain = getDomain(post.url) var template = Handlebars.templates[getTemplate('emailPostItem')](properties); return template; }).join(''); // 2. Wrap posts HTML in digest template var digestHTML = Handlebars.templates[getTemplate('emailDigest')]({ siteName: getSetting('title'), content: postsHTML }); // 3. wrap digest HTML in email wrapper tempalte var emailHTML = buildEmailTemplate(digestHTML); // console.log(emailHTML) return emailHTML } Meteor.methods({ testBuildCampaign: function (postsCount) { buildCampaign(postsCount); } })