SimpleRouter = FilteredRouter.extend({ initialize: function() {; this.filter(this.require_login, {only: ['submit']}); this.filter(this.start_request); this.filter(this.require_profile); this.filter(this.requirePost, {only: ['post_page']}); }, start_request: function(page){ // runs at every new page change // openedComments is an Array that tracks which comments // have been expanded by the user, to make sure they stay expanded Session.set("openedComments", null); // currentScroll stores the position of the user in the page Session.set('currentScroll', null); document.title = getSetting("title"); // set all errors who have already been seen to not show anymore clearSeenErrors(); // log this request with mixpanel, etc instrumentRequest(); return page; }, require_login: function(page) { if (Meteor.user()) { return page; } else { return 'signin'; } }, // if the user is logged in but their profile isn't filled out enough require_profile: function(page) { var user = Meteor.user(); if (user && Meteor.userLoaded() && ! userProfileComplete(user)){ Session.set('selectedUserId', user._id); return 'user_email'; } else { return page; } }, // if we are on a page that requires a post, as set in selectedPostId requirePost: function(page) { if (Posts.findOne(Session.get('selectedPostId'))) { return 'post_page'; } else if (! Session.get('postReady')) { return 'loading'; } else { return 'not_found'; } }, // wait for the subscription to be ready, this one is only used manually awaitSubscription: function(page, subName) { return Session.get(subName) ? page : 'loading'; }, routes: { '': 'top', 'top':'top', 'top/':'top', 'top/:page':'top', 'new':'new', 'new/':'new', 'new/:page':'new', 'digest/:year/:month/:day':'digest', 'digest':'digest', 'digest/':'digest', 'test':'test', 'signin':'signin', 'signup':'signup', 'submit':'submit', 'invite':'invite', 'posts/deleted':'post_deleted', 'posts/:id/edit':'post_edit', 'posts/:id/comment/:comment_id':'post', 'posts/:id':'post', 'comments/deleted':'comment_deleted', 'comments/:id':'comment', 'comments/:id/reply':'comment_reply', 'comments/:id/edit':'comment_edit', 'settings':'settings', 'admin':'admin', 'categories':'categories', 'users':'users', 'account':'user_edit', 'forgot_password':'forgot_password', 'users/:id': 'user_profile', 'users/:id/edit':'user_edit' }, top: function() { var self = this; // XXX: where do we go if not? Should the if be in the goto (so it's reactive?) if(canView(Meteor.user(), 'replace')) { self.goto(function() { return self.awaitSubscription('posts_top', 'topPostsReady'); }); } }, new: function(page) { var self = this; if(canView(Meteor.user(), 'replace')) { self.goto(function() { return self.awaitSubscription('posts_new', 'newPostsReady'); }); } }, digest: function(year, month, day){ var self = this; if(canView(Meteor.user(), 'replace')) { if(typeof day === 'undefined'){ // if day is not defined, just use today // and change the URL to today's date var date = new Date(); var mDate = moment(date); this.navigate(getDigestURL(mDate)); }else{ var date=new Date(year, month-1, day); } sessionSetObject('currentDate', date); self.goto(function() { return self.awaitSubscription('posts_digest', 'digestPostsReady'); }); } }, signup: function() { this.goto('signup'); }, signin: function() { this.goto('signin'); }, invite: function() { this.goto('no_invite'); }, submit: function() { this.goto('post_submit'); }, settings: function() { this.goto('settings'); }, users: function() { this.goto('users'); }, post_deleted: function() { this.goto('post_deleted'); }, comment_deleted: function() { this.goto('comment_deleted'); }, forgot_password: function() { this.goto('user_password'); }, admin: function() { this.goto('admin'); }, categories: function() { this.goto('categories'); }, post: function(id, commentId) { Session.set('selectedPostId', id); if(typeof commentId !== 'undefined') Session.set('scrollToCommentId', commentId); this.goto('post_page'); // on post page, we show the comment recursion window.repress_recursion=false; // reset the new comment time at each new request of the post page window.newCommentTimestamp=new Date(); }, post_edit: function(id) { Session.set('selectedPostId', id); this.goto('post_edit'); }, comment: function(id) { Session.set('selectedCommentId', id); window.repress_recursion=true; window.newCommentTimestamp=new Date(); this.goto('comment_page'); }, comment_reply: function(id) { Session.set('selectedCommentId', id); window.repress_recursion=true; window.newCommentTimestamp=new Date(); this.goto('comment_reply'); }, comment_edit: function(id) { Session.set('selectedCommentId', id); window.newCommentTimestamp=new Date(); this.goto('comment_edit'); }, user_profile: function(id){ if(typeof id !== undefined){ Session.set('selectedUserId', id); } this.goto('user_profile'); }, user_edit: function(id){ if(typeof id !== undefined){ Session.set('selectedUserId', id); } this.goto('user_edit'); } }); var Router = new SimpleRouter(); Meteor.startup(function() { });