AutoForm.hooks({ editPostForm: { onSubmit: function(insertDoc, updateDoc, currentDoc) { var updateObject = updateDoc; var submit = this; // ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ // if (!Meteor.user()) { flashMessage(i18n.t('you_must_be_logged_in'), ""); return false; } // ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ // // run all post edit client callbacks on updateObject object successively updateObject = postEditClientCallbacks.reduce(function(result, currentFunction) { return currentFunction(result); }, updateObject); // ------------------------------ Update ------------------------------ //'editPost', currentDoc._id, updateObject, function(error, post) { if(error){ submit.done(error); }else{ // note: find a way to do this in onSuccess instead? trackEvent("edit post", {'postId': post._id}); Router.go('post_page', {_id: post._id}); submit.done(); } }); return false }, onSuccess: function(operation, result, template) { // not used right now because I can't find a way to pass the "post" object to this callback // console.log(result) // trackEvent("new post", {'postId': post._id}); // if(post.status === STATUS_PENDING) // throwError('Thanks, your post is awaiting approval.'); // Router.go('/posts/'+post._id); }, onError: function(operation, error, template) { console.log(error) flashMessage(error.reason.split('|')[0], "error"); // workaround because error.details returns undefined clearSeenMessages(); } // Called at the beginning and end of submission, respectively. // This is the place to disable/enable buttons or the form, // show/hide a "Please wait" message, etc. If these hooks are // not defined, then by default the submit button is disabled // during submission. // beginSubmit: function(formId, template) {}, // endSubmit: function(formId, template) {} } }); Template[getTemplate('post_edit')].events({ 'click .delete-link': function(e){ var post =; e.preventDefault(); if(confirm("Are you sure?")){ Router.go("/");"deletePostById", post._id, function(error) { if (error) { console.log(error); flashMessage(error.reason, 'error'); } else { flashMessage(i18n.t('your_post_has_been_deleted'), 'success'); } }); } } });