import { Utils } from './utils'; export const convertToGraphQL = (fields, indentation) => { return fields.length > 0 ? => fieldTemplate(f, indentation)).join('\n') : ''; }; export const arrayToGraphQL = fields => => `${}: ${f.type}`).join(', '); /* For backwards-compatibility reasons, args can either be a string or an array of objects */ export const getArguments = args => { if (Array.isArray(args) && args.length > 0) { return `(${arrayToGraphQL(args)})`; } else if (typeof args === 'string') { return `(${args})`; } else { return ''; } }; /* ------------------------------------- Generic Field Template ------------------------------------- */ // export const fieldTemplate = ({ name, type, args, directive, description, required }, indentation = '') => // `${description ? `${indentation}# ${description}\n` : ''}${indentation}${name}${getArguments(args)}: ${type}${required ? '!' : ''} ${directive ? directive : ''}`; // version that does not make any fields required export const fieldTemplate = ({ name, type, args, directive, description, required }, indentation = '') => `${description ? `${indentation}# ${description}\n` : ''}${indentation}${name}${getArguments(args)}: ${type} ${directive ? directive : ''}`; /* ------------------------------------- Main Type ------------------------------------- */ /* The main type type Movie{ _id: String title: String description: String createdAt: Date } */ export const mainTypeTemplate = ({ typeName, description, interfaces, fields }) => `# ${description} type ${typeName} ${interfaces.length ? `implements ${interfaces.join(', ')} ` : ''}{ ${convertToGraphQL(fields, ' ')} } `; /* ------------------------------------- Selector Types ------------------------------------- */ /* The selector type is used to query for one or more documents type MovieSelectorInput { AND: [MovieSelectorInput] OR: [MovieSelectorInput] id: String id_not: String id_in: [String!] id_not_in: [String!] ... name: String name_not: String name_in: [String!] name_not_in: [String!] ... } see */ export const selectorInputTemplate = ({ typeName, fields }) => `input ${typeName}SelectorInput { AND: [${typeName}SelectorInput] OR: [${typeName}SelectorInput] ${convertToGraphQL(fields, ' ')} }`; /* The unique selector type is used to query for exactly one document type MovieSelectorUniqueInput { _id: String slug: String } */ export const selectorUniqueInputTemplate = ({ typeName, fields }) => `input ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput { _id: String documentId: String # OpenCRUD backwards compatibility slug: String ${convertToGraphQL(fields, ' ')} }`; /* The orderBy type defines which fields a query can be ordered by enum MovieOrderByInput { title createdAt } */ export const orderByInputTemplate = ({ typeName, fields }) => `enum ${typeName}OrderByInput { foobar ${fields.join('\n ')} }`; /* ------------------------------------- Query Types ------------------------------------- */ /* A query for a single document movie(input: SingleMovieInput) : SingleMovieOutput */ export const singleQueryTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `${Utils.camelCaseify(typeName)}(input: Single${typeName}Input): Single${typeName}Output`; /* A query for multiple documents movies(input: MultiMovieInput) : MultiMovieOutput */ export const multiQueryTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `${Utils.camelCaseify(Utils.pluralize(typeName))}(input: Multi${typeName}Input): Multi${typeName}Output`; /* ------------------------------------- Query Input Types ------------------------------------- */ /* The argument type when querying for a single document type SingleMovieInput { selector { documentId: String # or `_id: String` # or `slug: String` } enableCache: Boolean } */ export const singleInputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `input Single${typeName}Input { selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput # Whether to enable caching for this query enableCache: Boolean # Return null instead of throwing MissingDocumentError allowNull: Boolean }`; /* The argument type when querying for multiple documents type MultiMovieInput { terms: JSON offset: Int limit: Int enableCache: Boolean } */ export const multiInputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `input Multi${typeName}Input { # A JSON object that contains the query terms used to fetch data terms: JSON, # How much to offset the results by offset: Int, # A limit for the query limit: Int, # Whether to enable caching for this query enableCache: Boolean # Whether to calculate totalCount for this query enableTotal: Boolean # OpenCRUD fields where: ${typeName}SelectorInput orderBy: ${typeName}OrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int }`; /* ------------------------------------- Query Output Types ------------------------------------- */ /* The type for the return value when querying for a single document type SingleMovieOuput{ result: Movie } */ export const singleOutputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `type Single${typeName}Output{ result: ${typeName} }`; /* The type for the return value when querying for multiple documents type MultiMovieOuput{ results: [Movie] totalCount: Int } */ export const multiOutputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `type Multi${typeName}Output{ results: [${typeName}] totalCount: Int }`; /* ------------------------------------- Query Queries ------------------------------------- */ /* Single query used on the client query singleMovieQuery($input: SingleMovieInput) { movie(input: $input) { result { _id name __typename } __typename } } */ export const singleClientTemplate = ({ typeName, fragmentName, extraQueries }) => `query single${typeName}Query($input: Single${typeName}Input) { ${Utils.camelCaseify(typeName)}(input: $input) { result { ...${fragmentName} } __typename } ${extraQueries ? extraQueries : ''} }`; /* Multi query used on the client mutation multiMovieQuery($input: MultiMovieInput) { movies(input: $input) { results { _id name __typename } totalCount __typename } } */ export const multiClientTemplate = ({ typeName, fragmentName, extraQueries }) => `query multi${typeName}Query($input: Multi${typeName}Input) { ${Utils.camelCaseify(Utils.pluralize(typeName))}(input: $input) { results { ...${fragmentName} } totalCount __typename } ${extraQueries ? extraQueries : ''} }`; /* ------------------------------------- Mutation Types ------------------------------------- */ /* Mutation for creating a new document createMovie(input: CreateMovieInput) : MovieOutput */ export const createMutationTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `create${typeName}(data: Create${typeName}DataInput!) : ${typeName}Output`; /* Mutation for updating an existing document updateMovie(input: UpdateMovieInput) : MovieOutput */ export const updateMutationTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `update${typeName}(selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput!, data: Update${typeName}DataInput! ) : ${typeName}Output`; /* Mutation for updating an existing document; or creating it if it doesn't exist yet upsertMovie(input: UpsertMovieInput) : MovieOutput */ export const upsertMutationTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `upsert${typeName}(selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput!, data: Update${typeName}DataInput! ) : ${typeName}Output`; /* Mutation for deleting an existing document deleteMovie(input: DeleteMovieInput) : MovieOutput */ export const deleteMutationTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `delete${typeName}(selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput!) : ${typeName}Output`; /* ------------------------------------- Mutation Input Types ------------------------------------- */ // note: not currently used /* Type for create mutation input argument type CreateMovieInput { data: CreateMovieDataInput! } */ export const createInputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `input Create${typeName}Input{ data: Create${typeName}DataInput! }`; /* Type for update mutation input argument type UpdateMovieInput { selector: MovieSelectorUniqueInput! data: UpdateMovieDataInput! } */ export const updateInputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `input Update${typeName}Input{ selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput! data: Update${typeName}DataInput! }`; /* Type for upsert mutation input argument Note: upsertInputTemplate uses same data type as updateInputTemplate type UpsertMovieInput { selector: MovieSelectorUniqueInput! data: UpdateMovieDataInput! } */ export const upsertInputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `input Upsert${typeName}Input{ selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput! data: Update${typeName}DataInput! }`; /* Type for delete mutation input argument type DeleteMovieInput { selector: MovieSelectorUniqueInput! } */ export const deleteInputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `input Delete${typeName}Input{ selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput! }`; /* Type for the create mutation input argument's data property type CreateMovieDataInput { title: String description: String } */ export const createDataInputTemplate = ({ typeName, fields }) => `input Create${typeName}DataInput { ${convertToGraphQL(fields, ' ')} }`; /* Type for the update mutation input argument's data property type UpdateMovieDataInput { title: String description: String } */ export const updateDataInputTemplate = ({ typeName, fields }) => `input Update${typeName}DataInput { ${convertToGraphQL(fields, ' ')} }`; /* ------------------------------------- Mutation Output Type ------------------------------------- */ /* Type for the return value of all mutations type MovieOutput { data: Movie } */ export const mutationOutputTemplate = ({ typeName }) => `type ${typeName}Output{ data: ${typeName} }`; /* ------------------------------------- Mutation Queries ------------------------------------- */ /* Create mutation query used on the client mutation createMovie($data: CreateMovieDataInput!) { createMovie(data: $data) { data { _id name __typename } __typename } } */ export const createClientTemplate = ({ typeName, fragmentName }) => `mutation create${typeName}($data: Create${typeName}DataInput!) { create${typeName}(data: $data) { data { ...${fragmentName} } } }`; /* Update mutation query used on the client mutation updateMovie($selector: MovieSelectorUniqueInput!, $data: UpdateMovieDataInput!) { updateMovie(selector: $selector, data: $data) { data { _id name __typename } __typename } } */ export const updateClientTemplate = ({ typeName, fragmentName }) => `mutation update${typeName}($selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput!, $data: Update${typeName}DataInput!) { update${typeName}(selector: $selector, data: $data) { data { ...${fragmentName} } } }`; /* Upsert mutation query used on the client mutation upsertMovie($selector: MovieSelectorUniqueInput!, $data: UpdateMovieDataInput!) { upsertMovie(selector: $selector, data: $data) { data { _id name __typename } __typename } } */ export const upsertClientTemplate = ({ typeName, fragmentName }) => `mutation upsert${typeName}($selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput!, $data: Update${typeName}DataInput!) { upsert${typeName}(selector: $selector, data: $data) { data { ...${fragmentName} } } }`; /* Delete mutation query used on the client mutation deleteMovie($selector: MovieSelectorUniqueInput!) { deleteMovie(selector: $selector) { data { _id name __typename } __typename } } */ export const deleteClientTemplate = ({ typeName, fragmentName }) => `mutation delete${typeName}($selector: ${typeName}SelectorUniqueInput!) { delete${typeName}(selector: $selector) { data { ...${fragmentName} } } }`;