import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react'; import Actions from '../../actions.js'; import NovaForm from "meteor/nova:forms"; class CommentNew extends Component { render() { let prefilledProps = {postId: this.props.postId}; if (this.props.parentComment) { prefilledProps = Object.assign(prefilledProps, { parentCommentId: this.props.parentComment._id, // if parent comment has a topLevelCommentId use it; if it doesn't then it *is* the top level comment topLevelCommentId: this.props.parentComment.topLevelCommentId || this.props.parentComment._id }); } return (
Telescope.utils.getFieldLabel(fieldName, Comments)} layout="elementOnly" cancelCallback={this.props.type === "reply" ? this.props.cancelCallback : null} />
) } }; CommentNew.propTypes = { postId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, type: React.PropTypes.string, // "comment" or "reply" parentComment: React.PropTypes.object, // if reply, the comment being replied to parentCommentId: React.PropTypes.string, // if reply topLevelCommentId: React.PropTypes.string, // if reply successCallback: React.PropTypes.func, // a callback to execute when the submission has been successful cancelCallback: React.PropTypes.func } CommentNew.contextTypes = { currentUser: React.PropTypes.object } module.exports = CommentNew;