import { addCallback, getSetting } from 'meteor/nova:core'; import { sendGoogleAnalyticsRequest, mutationAnalyticsAsync } from './helpers'; import Analytics from 'analytics-node'; // add client-side callback: log a ga request on page view addCallback('router.onUpdate', sendGoogleAnalyticsRequest); // get the segment write key from the settings const useSegment = getSetting('useSegment'); const writeKey = getSetting('segmentWriteKey'); // the settings obviously tells to use segment // and segment write key is defined & isn't the placeholder from sample_settings.json if (useSegment && writeKey && writeKey !== '456bar') { const analyticsInstance = new Analytics(writeKey); // generate callbacks on collection ... ['users', 'posts', 'comments', 'categories'].map(collection => { // ... for each common mutation return ['new', 'edit', 'remove'].map(mutation => { const hook = `${collection}.${mutation}`; addCallback(`${hook}.async`, function AnalyticsTracking(...args) { // a note on what's happenning below: // the first argument is always the document we are interested in // the second to last argument is always the current user // on edit.async, the argument on index 1 is always the previous document // see nova:lib/mutations.js for more informations // remove unnecessary 'previousDocument' if operating on a collection.edit hook if (hook.includes('edit')) { args.splice(1,1); } const [document, currentUser,] = args; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars return mutationAnalyticsAsync(analyticsInstance, hook, document, currentUser); }); // return the hook name, used for debug return hook; }); }); }