Meteor.publish('currentUser', function() { return Meteor.users.find(this.userId); }); Meteor.publish('allUsers', function() { if (this.userId && isAdminById(this.userId)) { // if user is admin, publish all fields return Meteor.users.find(); }else{ // else, filter out sensitive info return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: { secret_id: false, isAdmin: false, emails: false, notifications: false, '': false, 'services.twitter.accessToken': false, 'services.twitter.accessTokenSecret': false, '': false, 'services.password': false }}); } }); Meteor.startup(function(){ Meteor.users.allow({ insert: function(userId, doc){ //TODO return true; } , update: function(userId, docs, fields, modifier){ // console.log("updating"); // console.log(userId); // console.log(docs); // console.log('fields: '+fields); // console.log(modifier); //uncommenting this crashes everything if(isAdminById(userId) || (docs._id && docs._id==userId)){ return true; } return false; } , remove: function(userId, docs){ if(isAdminById(userId) || (docs._id && docs._id==userId)){ return true; } return false; } }); }); // Posts Posts = new Meteor.Collection('posts'); // a single post, identified by id Meteor.publish('post', function(id) { return Posts.find(id); }); Meteor.publish('paginatedPosts', function(find, options, limit) { options = options || {}; options.limit = limit; return Posts.find(find || {}, options); }); // FIXME -- check all docs, not just the first one. Meteor.startup(function(){ Posts.allow({ insert: function(userId, doc){ if(userId){ doc.userId = userId; return true; } return false; } , update: function(userId, docs, fields, modifier){ if(isAdminById(userId) || (docs.userId && docs.userId===userId)){ return true; } throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'You do not have permission to edit this post'); return false; } , remove: function(userId, docs){ if(isAdminById(userId) || (docs.userId && docs.userId===userId)){ return true; } throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'You do not have permission to delete this post'); return false; } }); }); // Comments Comments = new Meteor.Collection('comments'); Meteor.publish('comments', function(query) { return Comments.find(query); }); Meteor.startup(function(){ Comments.allow({ insert: function(userId, doc){ if(userId){ return true; } return false; } , update: function(userId, docs, fields, modifier){ if(isAdminById(userId) || (docs.userId && docs.userId==userId)){ return true; } throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'You do not have permission to edit this comment'); return false; } , remove: function(userId, docs){ if(isAdminById(userId) || (docs.userId && docs.userId==userId)){ return true; throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'You do not have permission to delete this comment'); } return false; } }); }); // Settings Settings = new Meteor.Collection('settings'); Meteor.publish('settings', function() { return Settings.find(); }); Meteor.startup(function(){ Settings.allow({ insert: function(userId, docs){ return isAdminById(userId); } , update: function(userId, docs, fields, modifier){ return isAdminById(userId); } , remove: function(userId, docs){ return isAdminById(userId); } }); }); // Notifications Notifications = new Meteor.Collection('notifications'); Meteor.publish('notifications', function() { // only publish notifications belonging to the current user return Notifications.find({userId:this.userId}); }); Meteor.startup(function(){ Notifications.allow({ insert: function(userId, doc){ if(userId){ return true; } return false; } , update: function(userId, docs, fields, modifier){ if(isAdminById(userId) || (docs.userId && docs.userId==userId)){ return true; } return false; } , remove: function(userId, docs){ if(isAdminById(userId) || (docs.userId && docs.userId==userId)){ return true; } return false; } }); }); // Categories Categories = new Meteor.Collection('categories'); Meteor.publish('categories', function() { return Categories.find(); }); Meteor.startup(function(){ Categories.allow({ insert: function(userId, docs){ return isAdminById(userId); } , update: function(userId, docs, fields, modifier){ return isAdminById(userId); } , remove: function(userId, docs){ return isAdminById(userId); } }); });