Telescope is an open-source, real-time social news site built with [Meteor]( **Note:** Telescope is beta software. Most of it should work but it's still a little unpolished and you'll probably find some bugs. Use at your own risk :) # Learn More - [Telescope Site]( - [Telescope Demo]( # License - Telescope is distributed under the [MIT License]( # Features - Real-time (of course!) - Password-based and/or Twitter auth - Notifications - Mobile-ready & responsive - Invite-only access for reading and/or posting - Markdown support - Day by day view # Installation - Install Meteor - Install [Meteorite]( - Download or clone Telescope into /some/path - cd /some/path - Run `mrt` # Running Telescope on Heroku - Use the [Heroku buildpack for Meteorite]( to push to Heroku: `heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack` - Add MongoHQ addon # First Run - Set the root URL variable used for Twitter auth (on Heroku: `heroku config:add ROOT_URL=http://your_url`) - Fill in your Twitter keys - The first user account created will automatically be made admin - Check out the settings page and fill out basic things like the site's name # Local Variables Meteor uses local environment variables for a few things, such as configuring email. While this is straightforward to do on Heroku (see above), on a local dev environment the best way is to set up an alias for the `mrt` command. For example, to configure Meteor to use Mailgun for email, in your `.bash_profile` file just add: `alias m='MAIL_URL=smtp:// mrt'` This can also be useful for starting Meteor on a specific port: `alias m4='MAIL_URL=smtp:// mrt --port 4000'`