/* Errors can have the following properties stored on their `data` property: - id: used as an internationalization key, for example `errors.required` - path: for field-specific errors inside forms, the path of the field with the issue - properties: additional data. Will be passed to vulcan-i18n as values - message: if id cannot be used as i81n key, message will be used Scenario 1: normal error thrown with new Error(), put it in array and return it Scenario 2: multiple GraphQL errors stored on data.errors Scenario 3: single GraphQL error with data property Scenario 4: single GraphQL error with no data property */ export const getErrors = error => { // 1. wrap in array let errors = [error]; // if this is one or more GraphQL errors, extract and convert them if (error.graphQLErrors) { // get graphQL error (see https://github.com/thebigredgeek/apollo-errors/issues/12) const graphQLError = error.graphQLErrors[0]; if (graphQLError.data && !_.isEmpty(graphQLError.data)) { if (graphQLError.data.errors) { // 2. there are multiple errors on the data.errors object errors = graphQLError.data && graphQLError.data.errors; } else { // 3. there is only one error errors = [graphQLError.data]; } } else { // 4. there is no data object, just use raw error errors = [graphQLError]; } } return errors; }