import { Picker } from 'meteor/meteorhacks:picker'; import { runQuery } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib'; import VulcanEmail from '../namespace.js'; Meteor.startup(function () { _.forEach(VulcanEmail.emails, (email, key) => { // template live preview routes Picker.route(email.path, async (params, req, res) => { let html; // if email has a custom way of generating test HTML, use it if (typeof email.getTestHTML !== "undefined") { html = email.getTestHTML.bind(email)(params); } else { // else get test object (sample post, comment, user, etc.) const result = email.query ? await runQuery(email.query, email.testVariables || {}) : {data: {}}; // if email has a data() function, merge it with results of query const emailTestData = ? {,} :; const subject = typeof email.subject === 'function' ? email.subject(emailTestData) : email.subject; // then apply email template to properties, and wrap it with buildTemplate html = VulcanEmail.buildTemplate(VulcanEmail.getTemplate(email.template)(emailTestData)); html += `

Subject: ${subject}

${JSON.stringify(emailTestData, null, 2)}
` } // return html res.end(html); }); // raw template Picker.route("/email/template/:template", (params, req, res) => { res.end(VulcanEmail.templates[params.template]); }); }); });