import React from 'react'; import { ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo'; import { applyRouterMiddleware } from 'react-router'; import { useScroll } from 'react-router-scroll'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { Components, addRoute, addReducer, addMiddleware, Routes, populateComponentsApp, populateRoutesApp, runCallbacks, renderContext, } from 'meteor/nova:core'; import { RouterClient } from './router.jsx'; Meteor.startup(() => { // note: route defined here because it "shouldn't be removable" addRoute({name:"app.notfound", path:"*", componentName: 'Error404'}); // init the application components and routes, including components & routes from 3rd-party packages populateComponentsApp(); populateRoutesApp(); const indexRoute = _.filter(Routes, route => route.path === '/')[0]; const childRoutes = _.reject(Routes, route => route.path === '/'); delete indexRoute.path; // delete the '/' path to avoid warning const AppRoutes = { path: '/', component: Components.App, indexRoute, childRoutes, }; const options = { rehydrateHook(data) { const initialState = data; const context = renderContext.get(); context.initialState = initialState; // configure apollo const { apolloClient, store } = context; const apolloClientReducer = (state = initialState && initialState.apollo, action) => apolloClient.reducer()(state, action); addReducer({ apollo: apolloClientReducer }); addMiddleware(apolloClient.middleware()); // configure the redux store store.reload(); }, historyHook(newHistory) { const context = renderContext.get(); const history = newHistory; context.history = history; return history; }, wrapperHook(appGenerator) { const { apolloClient, store } = renderContext.get(); const app = appGenerator({ onUpdate: () => { // the first argument is an item to iterate on, needed by nova:lib/callbacks // note: this item is not used in this specific callback: router.onUpdate runCallbacks('router.onUpdate', {}, store, apolloClient); }, render: applyRouterMiddleware(useScroll()) }); return {app}; }, };, options); });