var d=new Date(comment.submitted);
var commentIsNew=d > window.newCommentTimestamp;
// console.log("body: "+comment.body+" | comment submission date: "+d+" | newCommentTimestamp: "+window.newCommentTimestamp+" | isNew: "+commentIsNew);
return commentIsNew;
// go up and down the DOM until we find either A) a queue container or B) an unqueued comment
$up=$comment.prevAll(".queue-container, .comment-displayed").first();
$down=$comment.nextAll(".queue-container, .comment-displayed").first();
// console.log("----------- case 1: Queued Ancestor -----------");
// 1.
// our comment has one or more queued ancestor, so we look for the root-most
// ancestor's queue container
}else if($prev.hasClass("queue-container")){
// console.log("----------- case 2: Queued Brother -----------");
// 2.
// the comment just above is queued, so we use the same queue container as him
}else if($prev.find(".comment").last().hasClass("comment-queued")){
// console.log("----------- case 3: Queued Cousin -----------");
// 3.
// there are no queued comments going up on the same level,
// but the bottom-most child of the comment directly above is queued
}else if($down.hasClass("queue-container")){
// console.log("----------- case 4: Queued Sister -----------");
// 3.
// the comment just below is queued, so we use the same queue container as him
}else if($up.hasClass('comment-displayed') || !$up.exists()){
// console.log("----------- case 5: No Queue -----------");
// 4.
// we've found containers neither above or below, but
// A) we've hit a displayed comment or
// B) we've haven't found any comments (i.e. we're at the beginning of the list)
// so we put our queue container just before the comment
var target=$(this).attr("href");
var openedComments=sessionGetObject('openedComments') || [];
sessionSetObject('openedComments', openedComments);
// console.log("comment", $comment);
// console.log("up", $up);
// console.log("down", $down);
// console.log("queuedAncestors", $queuedAncestors);
// console.log("container", $container);
return $container;
full_date: function(){
var submitted = new Date(this.submitted);
return submitted.toString();
,child_comments: function(){
var post_id = Session.get('selected_post_id');
var comments = Comments.find({ post: post_id, parent: this._id });
return comments;
,author: function(){
return Meteor.users.findOne(this.user_id);
,can_edit: function(){
if(this.user_id && Meteor.userId())
return Meteor.user().isAdmin || (Meteor.userId() === this.user_id);
return false;
,body_formatted: function(){
var converter = new Markdown.Converter();
var html_body=converter.makeHtml(this.body);
return html_body.autoLink();
,repress_recursion: function(){
return window.repress_recursion;
,ago: function(){
return moment(this.submitted).fromNow();
,upvoted: function(){
return Meteor.user() && _.include(this.upvoters, Meteor.user()._id);
,downvoted: function(){
return Meteor.user() && _.include(this.downvoters, Meteor.user()._id);
// this.firstRender=true;
// t("comment_item");
var comment=this.data;
var $comment=$("#"+comment._id);
var openedComments=sessionGetObject('openedComments') || [];
if(Meteor.user() && Meteor.user()._id==comment.user_id){
// if user is logged in, and the comment belongs to the user, then never queue it
if(commentIsNew(comment) && !$comment.hasClass("comment-queued") && openedComments.indexOf(comment._id)==-1){
// if comment is new and has not already been previously queued
// note: testing on the class works because Meteor apparently preserves newly assigned CSS classes
// across template renderings
// TODO: save scroll position
// get comment author name
var user=Meteor.users.findOne(comment.user_id);
var author=user.username;
var imgURL=Gravatar.getGravatar(user, {
d: 'http://telesc.pe/img/default_avatar.png',
s: 30
var $container=findQueueContainer($comment);
var comment_link=''+author+'';
// TODO: fix re-rendering problem with timer
console.log("first render");
console.log("not first render");
$comment.data("queue", $container);
// TODO: take the user back to their previous scroll position
Template.comment_item.events = {
'click .goto-comment': function(event){
var href=event.target.href.replace(/^(?:\/\/|[^\/]+)*\//, "");
Session.set('selected_comment_id', this._id);
// Session.set('state', 'reply');
Router.navigate(href, {trigger: true});
'click .open-comment-link': function(e){
'click .queue-comment': function(e){
var current_comment_id=$(event.target).closest(".comment").attr("id");
var now = new Date();
var comment_id = Comments.update(current_comment_id,
$set: {
submitted: new Date().getTime()
'click .upvote': function(e) {
throwError("Please log in first");
return false;
Meteor.call('upvoteComment', this._id);
'click .downvote': function(e) {
throwError("Please log in first");
return false;
Meteor.call('downvoteComment', this._id);
// 'click .queue-container, click .queue-container a': function(e, instance){
// e.preventDefault();
// var $this=$(e.target);
// var queueContainer= $this.is("a") ? $this.closest('.queue-container') : $this;
// console.log($this, queueContainer);
// queueContainer.find("a").each(function(){
// var target=$(this).attr("href");
// $(target).removeClass("comment-queued").addClass("comment-displayed");
// });
// queueContainer.hide("slow").remove();
// }