import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Router, browserHistory } from 'react-router'; import Cookie from 'react-cookie'; const ReactRouterSSR = { Run(routes, clientOptions) { if (!clientOptions) { clientOptions = {}; } let history = browserHistory; if(typeof clientOptions.historyHook === 'function') { history = clientOptions.historyHook(history); } Meteor.startup(function() { const rootElementName = clientOptions.rootElement || 'react-app'; const rootElementType = clientOptions.rootElementType || 'div'; const attributes = clientOptions.rootElementAttributes instanceof Array ? clientOptions.rootElementAttributes : []; let rootElement = document.getElementById(rootElementName); // In case the root element doesn't exist, let's create it if (!rootElement) { rootElement = document.createElement(rootElementType); = rootElementName; // check if a 2-dimensional array was passed... if not, be nice and handle it anyway if(attributes[0] instanceof Array) { // set attributes for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { rootElement.setAttribute(attributes[i][0], attributes[i][1]); } } else if (attributes.length > 0){ rootElement.setAttribute(attributes[0], attributes[1]); } document.body.appendChild(rootElement); } // Rehydrate data client side, if desired. if(typeof clientOptions.rehydrateHook === 'function') { InjectData.getData('dehydrated-initial-data', data => { const rehydratedData = data ? JSON.parse(data) : undefined; clientOptions.rehydrateHook(rehydratedData); }); } let app = ( ); if (typeof clientOptions.wrapperHook === 'function') { const loginToken = Cookie.load('meteor_login_token') || localStorage['Meteor.loginToken']; app = clientOptions.wrapperHook(app, loginToken); } if (typeof clientOptions.renderHook === 'function') { clientOptions.renderHook(app, rootElement); } else { ReactDOM.render(app, rootElement); } let collectorEl = document.getElementById(clientOptions.styleCollectorId || 'css-style-collector-data') if (collectorEl) { collectorEl.parentNode.removeChild(collectorEl); } }); } }; export { ReactRouterSSR }; export default ReactRouterSSR;