Package.describe({ name: "telescope:tagline-banner", summary: "Show a banner containing your site's tagline on the homepage", version: "0.1.0", }); Package.onUse(function (api) { api.versionsFrom("METEOR@1.0"); // --------------------------- 1. Meteor packages dependencies --------------------------- // automatic (let the package specify where it's needed) api.use([ 'telescope:lib@0.3.0', // useful functions 'telescope:settings@0.1.0', 'fourseven:scss@2.1.1', // SCSS compilation package 'tap:i18n@1.4.1' ]); // client api.use([ 'jquery', // useful for DOM interactions 'underscore', // JavaScript swiss army knife library 'templating' // required for client-side templates ], ['client']); // ---------------------------------- 2. Files to include ---------------------------------- api.add_files([ 'lib/tagline.js', 'package-tap.i18n' ], ['client', 'server']); // client api.add_files([ 'lib/client/templates/tagline_banner.html', 'lib/client/templates/tagline_banner.js', 'lib/client/stylesheets/tagline_banner.scss' ], ['client']); api.add_files([ "i18n/en.i18n.json" ], ["client", "server"]); });