Meteor.methods({ inviteUser: function(invitation){ check(invitation, Match.Any); // invite user returns the following hash // { newUser : true|false } // newUser is true if the person being invited is not on the site yet // invitation can either contain userId or an email address : // { invitedUserEmail : '' } or { userId : 'user-id' } check(invitation, Match.OneOf( { invitedUserEmail : String }, { userId : String } )); var user = invitation.invitedUserEmail ? Meteor.users.findOne({ emails : { $elemMatch: { address: invitation.invitedUserEmail } } }) : Meteor.users.findOne({ _id : invitation.userId }); var userEmail = invitation.invitedUserEmail ? invitation.invitedUserEmail :Users.getEmail(user); var currentUser = Meteor.user(); var currentUserIsAdmin = Users.isAdmin(currentUser); var currentUserCanInvite = currentUserIsAdmin || (currentUser.telescope.inviteCount > 0 && Users.can.invite(currentUser)); // check if the person is already invited if(user &&{ throw new Meteor.Error(403, "This person is already invited."); } else { if (!currentUserCanInvite){ throw new Meteor.Error(701, "You can't invite this user, sorry."); } // don't allow duplicate multiple invite for the same person var existingInvite = Invites.findOne({ invitedUserEmail : userEmail }); if (existingInvite) { throw new Meteor.Error(403, "Somebody has already invited this person."); } // create an invite // consider invite accepted if the invited person has an account already Invites.insert({ invitingUserId: Meteor.userId(), invitedUserEmail: userEmail, accepted: typeof user !== "undefined" }); // update invinting user Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), {$inc:{"telescope.inviteCount": -1, "telescope.invitedCount": 1}}); if(user){ // update invited user Meteor.users.update(user._id, { $set: { "telescope.isInvited": true, "telescope.invitedBy": Meteor.userId(), "telescope.invitedByName": Users.getDisplayName(currentUser) } }); } var communityName = Settings.get('title','Telescope'), emailSubject = 'You are invited to try '+communityName, emailProperties = { newUser : typeof user === 'undefined', communityName : communityName, actionLink : user ? Telescope.utils.getSigninUrl() : Telescope.utils.getSignupUrl(), invitedBy : Users.getDisplayName(currentUser), profileUrl : Users.getProfileUrl(currentUser), siteUrl: Settings.get("siteUrl") }; Meteor.setTimeout(function () { NovaEmail.buildAndSend(userEmail, emailSubject, 'emailInvite', emailProperties); }, 1); } return { newUser : typeof user === 'undefined' }; }, unInviteUser: function (userId) { Meteor.users.update(userId, {$set: {"telescope.isInvited": false}}); } });