var templatesDep = new Tracker.Dependency; var createHighlighter = function (templateName, $node, context) { var h = $node.outerHeight(); var w = $node.outerWidth(); var l = $node.offset().left; var t = $node.offset().top; var depth = $node.parents().length; var position = $node.css('position'); var offsetParent = $node.offsetParent(); var offsetParentLeft = offsetParent.offset().left; var offsetParentTop = offsetParent.offset().top; // console.log(template, h, w, l, t); // console.log(offsetParent, offsetParentLeft, offsetParentTop) var div = $(document.createElement("section")); div.addClass("template-highlighter"); div.css("height", h); div.css("width", w); if ($node.hasClass("zone-wrapper")) { div.addClass("zone-highlighter"); templateName = $node.attr("data-zone"); } // if node's position is already relative or absolute, position highlighter at 0,0 if (position === "relative" || position === "absolute") { div.css("left", 0); div.css("top", 0); } else { div.css("left", l - offsetParentLeft); div.css("top", t - offsetParentTop); } div.css("z-index", 10000+depth); div.attr("data-template", templateName); // add click event on the template highlighter that logs out template info to the console var template = Template[templateName]; () { console.log({ name: templateName, helpers: _.keys(template.__helpers), events: template.__eventMaps[0] && _.keys(template.__eventMaps[0]), data: context, template: template }); }); $node.append(div); }; Telescope.debug.refresh = function () { console.log('refreshing…') // trigger autorun to re-run templatesDep.changed(); }; Template.onRendered(function () { var template = this; var templateName ="Template.", ""); var context =; // exclude weird Blaze stuff and special templates var excludedTemplates = ["__dynamicWithDataContext", "__dynamic", "module", "menuComponent", "menuItem", "avatar", "posts_list_controller"]; if (!_.contains(excludedTemplates, templateName)) { Meteor.autorun(function (comp) { templatesDep.depend() ; // do nothing the first time (instead, wait to be triggered by hotkey) if (!comp.firstRun) { // console.log(templateName) // console.log(template) // console.log("-------------") // TODO: when using {{#if}}, template.firstNode stays empty even after it's rendered var node = template.firstNode; if (node) { // console.log("highlighting template: "+ template); // console.log(this); try { // if this is a text node, try using nextSibling instead // TODO: kinda hacky if (node.nodeName === "#text") { if (node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeName !== "#text") { node = node.nextSibling; } else { throw new Error("Node has no content"); } } // do the thing createHighlighter(templateName, $(node), context); } catch (error) { // catch errors (usually text-only nodes, or empty templates) // console.log(templateName); // console.log(error); } } } }); } }); $(function () { var allowKeydown = true; $(document).keydown(function (e) { if (!allowKeydown) return; if(e.keyCode === 192){ Telescope.debug.refresh(); // $("body").addClass("show-highlighters"); } allowKeydown = false; }); $(document).keyup(function (e) { allowKeydown = true; if(e.keyCode === 192){ // $("body").removeClass("show-highlighters"); $(".template-highlighter").remove(); } }); });