/* Generic mutation wrapper to remove a document from a collection. Sample mutation: mutation moviesRemove($documentId: String) { moviesEdit(documentId: $documentId) { ...MoviesRemoveFormFragment } } Arguments: - documentId: the id of the document to remove Child Props: - removeMutation(documentId) */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import update from 'immutability-helper'; export default function withRemove(options) { const { collection, fragmentName, fragment } = options, mutationName = collection.options.mutations.remove.name, listResolverName = collection.options.resolvers.list.name, totalResolverName = collection.options.resolvers.total.name; return graphql(gql` mutation ${mutationName}($documentId: String) { ${mutationName}(documentId: $documentId) { ...${fragmentName} } } ${fragment} `, { props: ({ ownProps, mutate }) => ({ removeMutation: ({ documentId }) => { const updateQueries = { [props.queryName]: (prev, { mutationResult }) => { // filter the list to get a new one without the document const listWithoutDocument = prev[listResolverName].filter(doc => doc._id !== documentId); // update the query const newList = update(prev, { [listResolverName]: { $set: listWithoutDocument }, // ex: postsList [totalResolverName]: { $set: prev.postsListTotal - 1 } // ex: postsListTotal }); return newList; } } return mutate({ variables: { documentId }, // updateQueries: props.updateQueries || updateQueries }) }, }), }); }