// setup JSDOM server side for testing (necessary for Enzyme to mount) import 'jsdom-global/register'; import React from 'react'; import expect from 'expect'; import Enzyme, { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'; import { Components } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'; // we must import all the other components, so that "registerComponent" is called import '../lib/modules'; import Datatable from '../lib/modules/components/Datatable' // stub collection import { createCollection, getDefaultResolvers, getDefaultMutations, registerFragment } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'; const createDummyCollection = (typeName, schema) => { return createCollection({ collectionName: typeName + 's', typeName, schema, resolvers: getDefaultResolvers(typeName + 's'), mutations: getDefaultMutations(typeName + 's') }); } const Articles = createDummyCollection('Article', { name: { type: String } }) registerFragment(` fragment ArticlesDefaultFragment on Article { name } `); // setup enzyme // TODO: write a reusable helper and move this to the tests setup Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); // and then load them in the app so that is defined import { populateComponentsApp, initializeFragments } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib'; // we need registered fragments to be initialized because populateComponentsApp will run // hocs, like withUpdate, that rely on fragments initializeFragments(); // actually fills the Components object populateComponentsApp(); describe('vulcan-core/components', function () { describe('DataTable', function () { it('shallow renders DataTable', function () { const wrapper = shallow() expect(wrapper).toBeDefined() }) it('render a static version', function () { const wrapper = shallow() const content = wrapper.find('DatatableContents').first() expect(content).toBeDefined() }) }) })