import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'; /** * @summary Kick off the namespace for Vulcan. * @namespace Vulcan */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef Vulcan = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef Vulcan.VERSION = '1.12.10'; // ------------------------------------- Schemas -------------------------------- // SimpleSchema.extendOptions([ 'hidden', // hidden: true means the field is never shown in a form no matter what 'mustComplete', // mustComplete: true means the field is required to have a complete profile 'form', // extra form properties 'inputProperties', // extra form properties 'input', // SmartForm control (String or React component) 'control', // SmartForm control (String or React component) (legacy) 'order', // position in the form 'group', // form fieldset group 'onCreate', // field insert callback 'onInsert', // field insert callback (OpenCRUD backwards compatibility) 'onUpdate', // field edit callback 'onEdit', // field edit callback (OpenCRUD backwards compatibility) 'onDelete', // field remove callback 'onRemove', // field remove callback (OpenCRUD backwards compatibility) 'canRead', // who can view the field 'viewableBy', // who can view the field (OpenCRUD backwards compatibility) 'canCreate', // who can insert the field 'insertableBy', // who can insert the field (OpenCRUD backwards compatibility) 'canUpdate', // who can edit the field 'editableBy', // who can edit the field (OpenCRUD backwards compatibility) 'resolveAs', // field-level resolver 'searchable', // whether a field is searchable 'description', // description/help 'beforeComponent', // before form component 'afterComponent', // after form component 'placeholder', // form field placeholder value 'options', // form options 'query', // field-specific data loading query 'selectable', // field can be used as part of a selector when querying for data 'unique', // field can be used as part of a selectorUnique when querying for data 'orderable', // field can be used to order results when querying for data 'intl', // set to `true` to make a field international 'isIntlData', // marker for the actual schema fields that hold intl strings ]); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef export default Vulcan;