getUnsubscribeLink = function(user){ return Meteor.absoluteUrl()+'unsubscribe/'+user.email_hash; }; createNotification = function(options) { var event = options.event, properties =, userToNotify = options.userToNotify, userDoingAction = options.userDoingAction, sendEmail = options.sendEmail; // console.log('adding new notification for:'+getDisplayName(userToNotify)+', for event:'+event); // console.log(userToNotify); // console.log(userDoingAction); // console.log(properties); // console.log(sendEmail); var notification = { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), userId: userToNotify._id, event: event, properties: properties, read: false }; var newNotificationId=Notifications.insert(notification); // send the notification if notifications are activated, // the notificationsFrequency is set to 1, or if it's undefined (legacy compatibility) if(sendEmail){ // get specific notification content for "email" context var contents = getNotificationContents(notification, 'email'); sendNotification(contents); } }; Meteor.methods({ unsubscribeUser : function(hash){ // TO-DO: currently, if you have somebody's email you can unsubscribe them // A user-specific salt should be added to the hashing method to prevent this var user = Meteor.users.findOne({email_hash: hash}); if(user){ var update = Meteor.users.update(user._id, { $set: { 'profile.notifications.users' : 0, 'profile.notifications.posts' : 0, 'profile.notifications.comments' : 0, 'profile.notifications.replies' : 0 } }); return true; } return false; }, newPostNotify : function(properties){ var currentUser = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId); console.log('newPostNotify'); // send a notification to every user according to their notifications settings Meteor.users.find({'profile.notifications.posts': 1}).forEach(function(user) { // don't send users notifications for their own posts if(user._id !== currentUser._id && getUserSetting('notifications.posts', false, user)){ properties.userId = user._id; var notification = getNotificationContents(properties, 'email'); sendNotification(notification, user); } }); } }); sendNotification = function (notification) { // console.log('send notification:') // console.log(notification) sendEmail(, notification.subject, notification.text, notification.html); };