Template.post_item.preserve({ '.post': function (node) {return node.id; } }); Template.post_item.helpers({ postLink: function(){ return !!this.url ? this.url : "/posts/"+this._id; }, rank: function() { return this._rank + 1; }, showRank: function(){ return Session.get('isPostsList'); }, domain: function(){ var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = this.url; return a.hostname; }, current_domain: function(){ return "http://"+document.domain; }, can_edit: function(){ return canEdit(Meteor.user(), this); }, authorName: function(){ return getAuthorName(this); }, short_score: function(){ return Math.floor(this.score*1000)/1000; }, body_formatted: function(){ var converter = new Markdown.Converter(); var html_body=converter.makeHtml(this.body); return html_body.autoLink(); }, ago: function(){ // if post is approved show submission time, else show creation time. time = this.status == STATUS_APPROVED ? this.submitted : this.createdAt; return moment(time).fromNow(); }, timestamp: function(){ time = this.status == STATUS_APPROVED ? this.submitted : this.createdAt; return moment(time).format("MMMM Do, h:mm:ss a"); }, voted: function(){ var user = Meteor.user(); if(!user) return false; return _.include(this.upvoters, user._id); }, userAvatar: function(){ if(author=Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId)) return getAvatarUrl(author); }, inactiveClass: function(){ return (isAdmin(Meteor.user()) && this.inactive) ? "inactive" : ""; }, categoryLink: function(){ return getCategoryUrl(this.slug); } }); Template.post_item.rendered = function(){ var self = this; var rank = self.data._rank; var $this = $(this.find(".post")); if(self.data){ var distanceFromTop= 0; for(var i=1; i<=rank; i++){ distanceFromTop+= $('.post-'+i).height(); } // if this is the first rendering, just go straight to the correct spot, // and don't animate our way there. if (_.isUndefined(self.current_distance)) { self.current_distance = distanceFromTop; $this.css("top", self.current_distance + "px"); // otherwise, stay in the old spot, but once the browser has rendered // us there, animate to a new spot } else { $this.css("top", self.current_distance + "px"); Meteor.defer(function() { self.current_distance = distanceFromTop; $this.addClass('animate').css("top", self.current_distance + "px"); }); } } }; Template.post_item.events = { 'click .upvote-link': function(e, instance){ var post = this; e.preventDefault(); if(!Meteor.user()){ Meteor.Router.to('/signin'); throwError("Please log in first"); } Meteor.call('upvotePost', post._id, function(error, result){ trackEvent("post upvoted", {'_id': post._id}); }); } , 'click .share-link': function(e){ var $this = $(e.target); e.preventDefault(); $(".share-link").not($this).next().addClass("hidden"); $this.next().toggleClass("hidden"); console.log($this); $this.next().find('.share-replace').sharrre(SharrreOptions); // $(".overlay").toggleClass("hidden"); } };