### v0.11.0 “AvatarScope” * Added new `userCreatedCallbacks` callback hook. * Added new setting to subscribe new user to mailing list automatically. * Added new `debug` setting. * `siteUrl` setting now affects `Meteor.absoluteUrl()`. * Added new `clog` function that only logs if `debug` setting is true. * Simplified post module system, modules are not split in three zones anymore. * Added new `postThumbnail` hook to show Embedly thumbnail. * Simplified Hubble theme CSS for both desktop and mobile. * Many CSS tweaks for Hubble mobile. * Show author and commenters avatars on post item. * Adding description to post list pages and showing them in menus. * Improved Russian translation (thanks @Viktorminator!). * Now using `editorconfig` (thanks @erasaur!). * Upgraded to `useraccounts:unstyled@1.4.0` (thanks @splendido!).