AutoForm.debug() AutoForm.hooks({ insertPostForm: { before: { insert: function(doc, template) { console.log(doc) }, update: function(docId, modifier, template) {}, "methodName": function(doc, template) {} }, after: { insert: function(error, result, template) { console.log(error) console.log(result) }, update: function(error, result, template) {}, "methodName": function(error, result, template) {} }, // Called when form does not have a `type` attribute onSubmit: function(insertDoc, updateDoc, currentDoc) { console.log(insertDoc) console.log(updateDoc) console.log(currentDoc) }, // Called when any operation succeeds, where operation will be // "insert", "update", "submit", or the method name. onSuccess: function(operation, result, template) { console.log(operation) console.log(result) }, // Called when any operation fails, where operation will be // "validation", "insert", "update", "submit", or the method name. onError: function(operation, error, template) { console.log(operation) console.log(error) } // formToDoc: function(doc, ss, formId) {}, // docToForm: function(doc, ss, formId) {}, // Called at the beginning and end of submission, respectively. // This is the place to disable/enable buttons or the form, // show/hide a "Please wait" message, etc. If these hooks are // not defined, then by default the submit button is disabled // during submission. // beginSubmit: function(formId, template) {}, // endSubmit: function(formId, template) {} } }); // Template[getTemplate('post_submit')].helpers({ // categoriesEnabled: function(){ // return Categories.find().count(); // }, // categories: function(){ // return Categories.find(); // }, // users: function(){ // return Meteor.users.find({}, {sort: {'': 1}}); // }, // userName: function(){ // return getDisplayName(this); // }, // isSelected: function(user){ // return user._id == Meteor.userId() ? "selected" : ""; // }, // showPostedAt: function () { // if(Session.get('currentPostStatus') == STATUS_APPROVED){ // return 'visible' // }else{ // return 'hidden' // } // // return (Session.get('currentPostStatus') || STATUS_APPROVED) == STATUS_APPROVED; // default to approved // } // }); // Template[getTemplate('post_submit')].rendered = function(){ // // run all post submit rendered callbacks // var instance = this; // postSubmitRenderedCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) { // callback(instance); // }); // Session.set('currentPostStatus', STATUS_APPROVED); // Session.set('selectedPostId', null); // if(!this.editor && $('#editor').exists()) // this.editor= new EpicEditor(EpicEditorOptions).load(); // // $("#postUser").selectToAutocomplete(); // XXX // }; // Template[getTemplate('post_submit')].events({ // 'change input[name=status]': function (e, i) { // Session.set('currentPostStatus', e.currentTarget.value); // }, // 'click input[type=submit]': function(e, instance){ // e.preventDefault(); // $('disabled'); // // ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ // // if(!Meteor.user()){ // throwError(i18n.t('you_must_be_logged_in')); // return false; // } // // ------------------------------ Properties ------------------------------ // // // Basic Properties // var properties = { // title: $('#title').val(), // body: instance.editor.exportFile(), // sticky: $('#sticky').is(':checked'), // userId: $('#postUser').val(), // status: parseInt($('input[name=status]:checked').val()) // }; // // PostedAt // var $postedAtDate = $('#postedAtDate'); // var $postedAtTime = $('#postedAtTime'); // var setPostedAt = false; // var postedAt = new Date(); // default to current browser date and time // var postedAtDate = $postedAtDate.datepicker('getDate'); // var postedAtTime = $postedAtTime.val(); // if ($postedAtDate.exists() && postedAtDate != "Invalid Date"){ // if custom date is set, use it // postedAt = postedAtDate; // setPostedAt = true; // } // if ($postedAtTime.exists() && postedAtTime.split(':').length==2){ // if custom time is set, use it // var hours = postedAtTime.split(':')[0]; // var minutes = postedAtTime.split(':')[1]; // postedAt = moment(postedAt).hour(hours).minute(minutes).toDate(); // setPostedAt = true; // } // if(setPostedAt) // if either custom date or time has been set, pass result to properties // properties.postedAt = postedAt; // // URL // var url = $('#url').val(); // if(!!url){ // var cleanUrl = (url.substring(0, 7) == "http://" || url.substring(0, 8) == "https://") ? url : "http://"+url; // properties.url = cleanUrl; // } // // ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ // // // run all post submit client callbacks on properties object successively // properties = postSubmitClientCallbacks.reduce(function(result, currentFunction) { // return currentFunction(result); // }, properties); // // console.log(properties) // // ------------------------------ Insert ------------------------------ // // if (properties) { //'post', properties, function(error, post) { // if(error){ // throwError(error.reason); // clearSeenErrors(); // $('disabled'); // if(error.error == 603) // Router.go('/posts/'+error.details); // }else{ // trackEvent("new post", {'postId': post._id}); // if(post.status === STATUS_PENDING) // throwError('Thanks, your post is awaiting approval.'); // Router.go('/posts/'+post._id); // } // }); // } else { // $('disabled'); // } // }, // 'click .get-title-link': function(e){ // e.preventDefault(); // var url=$("#url").val(); // var $getTitleLink = $(".get-title-link"); // $getTitleLink.addClass("loading"); // if(url){ // $.get(url, function(response){ // if ((suggestedTitle=((/(.*?)<\/title>/m).exec(response.responseText))) != null){ // $("#title").val(suggestedTitle[1]); // }else{ // alert("Sorry, couldn't find a title..."); // } // $getTitleLink.removeClass("loading"); // }); // }else{ // alert("Please fill in an URL first!"); // $getTitleLink.removeClass("loading"); // } // } // });