import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { intlShape } from 'meteor/vulcan:i18n'; import { Components, registerComponent, instantiateComponent } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'; import classNames from 'classnames'; class FormComponentInner extends PureComponent { renderClear = () => { if (['datetime', 'time', 'select', 'radiogroup'].includes(this.props.input)) { return ( ✕ ); } }; getProperties = () => { const { name, path, options, label, onChange, value, disabled } = this.props; // these properties are whitelisted so that they can be safely passed to the actual form input // and avoid warnings const inputProperties = { name, path, options, label, onChange: event => { // FormComponent's handleChange expects value as argument; look in target.checked and target.value const inputValue = typeof === 'undefined' ? :; onChange(inputValue); }, value, disabled, ...this.props.inputProperties, }; return { ...this.props, inputProperties, }; }; render() { const { inputClassName, name, input, beforeComponent, afterComponent, errors, showCharsRemaining, charsRemaining, renderComponent, formComponents, } = this.props; const FormComponents = formComponents; const hasErrors = errors && errors.length; const inputName = typeof input === 'function' ? : input; const inputClass = classNames( 'form-input', inputClassName, `input-${name}`, `form-component-${inputName || 'default'}`, { 'input-error': hasErrors } ); const properties = this.getProperties(); const FormInput = this.props.formInput; return (