import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'; import { GraphQLSchema } from './graphql.js'; import { Utils } from './utils.js'; import { runCallbacks } from './callbacks.js'; SimpleSchema.extendOptions([ 'viewableBy', 'insertableBy', 'editableBy', 'resolveAs', ]); /** * @summary Meteor Collections. * @class Mongo.Collection */ /** * @summary @summary Add an additional field (or an array of fields) to a schema. * @param {Object|Object[]} field */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.addField = function (fieldOrFieldArray) { const collection = this; const schema = collection.simpleSchema()._schema; const fieldSchema = {}; const fieldArray = Array.isArray(fieldOrFieldArray) ? fieldOrFieldArray : [fieldOrFieldArray]; // loop over fields and add them to schema (or extend existing fields) fieldArray.forEach(function (field) { const newField = {...schema[field.fieldName], ...field.fieldSchema}; fieldSchema[field.fieldName] = newField; }); // add field schema to collection schema collection.attachSchema(fieldSchema); }; /** * @summary Remove a field from a schema. * @param {String} fieldName */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.removeField = function (fieldName) { var collection = this; var schema = _.omit(collection.simpleSchema()._schema, fieldName); // add field schema to collection schema collection.attachSchema(schema, {replace: true}); }; /** * @summary Add a default view function. * @param {Function} view */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.addDefaultView = function (view) { this.defaultView = view; }; /** * @summary Add a named view function. * @param {String} viewName * @param {Function} view */ Mongo.Collection.prototype.addView = function (viewName, view) { this.views[viewName] = view; }; // see Mongo.Collection.prototype.helpers = function(helpers) { var self = this; if (self._transform && ! self._helpers) throw new Meteor.Error("Can't apply helpers to '" + self._name + "' a transform function already exists!"); if (! self._helpers) { self._helpers = function Document(doc) { return _.extend(this, doc); }; self._transform = function(doc) { return new self._helpers(doc); }; } _.each(helpers, function(helper, key) { self._helpers.prototype[key] = helper; }); }; export const createCollection = options => { const {collectionName, typeName, schema, resolvers, mutations, generateGraphQLSchema = true, dbCollectionName } = options; // initialize new Mongo collection const collection = collectionName === 'users' ? Meteor.users : new Mongo.Collection(dbCollectionName ? dbCollectionName : collectionName.toLowerCase()); // decorate collection with options collection.options = options; // add typeName collection.typeName = typeName; // add views collection.views = []; if (schema) { // attach schema to collection collection.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema(schema)); } // add collection to resolver context const context = {}; context[Utils.capitalize(collectionName)] = collection; GraphQLSchema.addToContext(context); if (generateGraphQLSchema){ // add collection to list of dynamically generated GraphQL schemas GraphQLSchema.addCollection(collection); // ------------------------------------- Queries -------------------------------- // if (resolvers) { const queryResolvers = {}; // list if (resolvers.list) { // e.g. "" GraphQLSchema.addQuery(`${}(terms: JSON, offset: Int, limit: Int): [${typeName}]`); queryResolvers[] = resolvers.list.resolver; } // single if (resolvers.single) { GraphQLSchema.addQuery(`${}(documentId: String, slug: String): ${typeName}`); queryResolvers[] = resolvers.single.resolver; } // total if ( { GraphQLSchema.addQuery(`${}(terms: JSON): Int`); queryResolvers[] =; } GraphQLSchema.addResolvers({ Query: { ...queryResolvers } }); } // ------------------------------------- Mutations -------------------------------- // if (mutations) { const mutationResolvers = {}; // new if ( { // e.g. "moviesNew(document: moviesInput) : Movie" GraphQLSchema.addMutation(`${}(document: ${collectionName}Input) : ${typeName}`); mutationResolvers[] =; } // edit if (mutations.edit) { // e.g. "moviesEdit(documentId: String, set: moviesInput, unset: moviesUnset) : Movie" GraphQLSchema.addMutation(`${}(documentId: String, set: ${collectionName}Input, unset: ${collectionName}Unset) : ${typeName}`); mutationResolvers[] = mutations.edit.mutation.bind(mutations.edit); } // remove if (mutations.remove) { // e.g. "moviesRemove(documentId: String) : Movie" GraphQLSchema.addMutation(`${}(documentId: String) : ${typeName}`); mutationResolvers[] = mutations.remove.mutation.bind(mutations.remove); } GraphQLSchema.addResolvers({ Mutation: { ...mutationResolvers } }); } } // ------------------------------------- Parameters -------------------------------- // collection.getParameters = (terms = {}, apolloClient, currentUser) => { // console.log(terms) let parameters = { selector: {}, options: {} }; if (collection.defaultView) { parameters = Utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, collection.defaultView(terms, apolloClient)); } // handle view option if (terms.view && collection.views[terms.view]) { const view = collection.views[terms.view]; parameters = Utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, view(terms, apolloClient)); } // iterate over posts.parameters callbacks parameters = runCallbacks(`${collectionName}.parameters`, parameters, _.clone(terms), apolloClient); // extend sort to sort posts by _id to break ties // NOTE: always do this last to avoid overriding another sort parameters = Utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, {options: {sort: {_id: -1}}}); // limit number of items to 200 parameters.options.limit = (terms.limit < 1 || terms.limit > 200) ? 200 : terms.limit; // limit fields to viewable fields if (currentUser) { parameters.options.fields = currentUser.getViewableFields(collection); } // console.log(parameters); return parameters; } return collection; }