import cloudinary from "cloudinary"; // import Posts from "meteor/vulcan:posts"; import Users from 'meteor/vulcan:users'; import { addCallback, Utils, getSetting } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'; const Cloudinary = cloudinary.v2; const uploadSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(Cloudinary.uploader.upload); const cloudinarySettings = getSetting("cloudinary"); Cloudinary.config({ cloud_name: cloudinarySettings.cloudName, api_key: cloudinarySettings.apiKey, api_secret: cloudinarySettings.apiSecret, secure: true, }); const CloudinaryUtils = { // send an image URL to Cloudinary and get a cloudinary result object in return uploadImage(imageUrl) { try { var result = uploadSync(Utils.addHttp(imageUrl)); const data = { cloudinaryId: result.public_id, result: result, urls: CloudinaryUtils.getUrls(result.public_id) }; return data; } catch (error) { console.log("// Cloudinary upload failed for URL: "+imageUrl); // eslint-disable-line console.log(error); // eslint-disable-line } }, // generate signed URL for each format based off public_id getUrls(cloudinaryId) { return => { const url = Cloudinary.url(cloudinaryId, { width: format.width, height: format.height, crop: 'fill', sign_url: true, fetch_format: "auto", quality: "auto" }); return { name:, url: url }; }); } }; // methods // Meteor.methods({ // testCloudinaryUpload: function (thumbnailUrl) { // if (Users.isAdmin(Meteor.user())) { // thumbnailUrl = typeof thumbnailUrl === "undefined" ? "" : thumbnailUrl; // const data = CloudinaryUtils.uploadImage(thumbnailUrl); // console.log(data); // eslint-disable-line // } // }, // cachePostThumbnails: function (limit = 20) { // if (Users.isAdmin(Meteor.user())) { // console.log(`// caching ${limit} thumbnails…`) // var postsWithUncachedThumbnails = Posts.find({ // thumbnailUrl: { $exists: true }, // originalThumbnailUrl: { $exists: false } // }, {sort: {createdAt: -1}, limit: limit}); // postsWithUncachedThumbnails.forEach(Meteor.bindEnvironment((post, index) => { // Meteor.setTimeout(function () { // console.log(`// ${index}. Caching thumbnail for post “${post.title}” (_id: ${post._id})`); // eslint-disable-line // const data = CloudinaryUtils.uploadImage(post.thumbnailUrl); // Posts.update(post._id, {$set:{ // cloudinaryId: data.cloudinaryId, // cloudinaryUrls: data.urls // }}); // }, index * 1000); // })); // } // } // }); export default CloudinaryUtils;