/* Galaxy's Javascript linting configuration (Meteor) * * Documentation on rules can be found at: * http://eslint.org/docs/rules/ <- Optionally append the rulename * * Ensure changes are kept in sync with the base linting configuration. */ { "extends": ".eslintrc-meteor", "env": { /* Allows global vars from the Meteor environment to pass and enables certain rules */ "meteor": true }, "rules": { /* ---------------- Rules relaxed for Meteor's sake --------------------- */ /* allows use of var (remove when we are ready to switch to ES6) */ "no-var": 0, /* allows anonymous functions */ "func-names": 0, /* allows var = function() delcarations */ "func-style": 0, /* relaxes max-len to 100 chars per line */ "max-len": [2, 100, 2], /* relaxes requirement to put all vars at the top of the scope */ "vars-on-top": 0, /* relaxes dangling commas enforcement */ "comma-dangle": 0, /* allows certain non-constructor functions to start with a capital letter, */ "new-cap": [2, { "capIsNewExceptions": [ "Match", "Any", "Object", "ObjectIncluding", "OneOf", "Optional", "Where" ]}], /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } }