import Telescope from 'meteor/nova:lib'; import Comments from './collection.js'; Comments.parameters = {}; /** * @summary Gives an object containing the appropriate find * and options arguments for the subscriptions's Comments.find() * @memberof Parameters * @param {Object} terms */ Comments.parameters.get = function (terms) { // add this to ensure all post publications pass audit-arguments-check check(terms, Match.Any); // console.log(terms) // note: using jquery's extend() with "deep" parameter set to true instead of shallow _.extend() // see: // initialize parameters by extending baseParameters object, to avoid passing it by reference var parameters = Telescope.utils.deepExtend(true, {}, Comments.views.baseParameters); // get query parameters according to current view if (typeof Comments.views[terms.view] !== 'undefined') parameters = Telescope.utils.deepExtend(true, parameters, Comments.views[terms.view](terms)); // iterate over commentsParameters callbacks parameters ="commentsParameters", parameters, terms); // console.log(parameters); return parameters; }; // limit the number of items that can be requested at once function limitComments (parameters, terms) { var maxLimit = 1000; // if a limit was provided with the terms, add it too (note: limit=0 means "no limit") if (typeof terms.limit !== 'undefined') { _.extend(parameters.options, {limit: parseInt(terms.limit)}); } // limit to "maxLimit" items at most when limit is undefined, equal to 0, or superior to maxLimit if(!parameters.options.limit || parameters.options.limit === 0 || parameters.options.limit > maxLimit) { parameters.options.limit = maxLimit; } return parameters; } Telescope.callbacks.add("commentsParameters", limitComments);