// import React from 'react'; const ItemContainer = React.createClass({ propTypes: { collection: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, publication: React.PropTypes.string, terms: React.PropTypes.object, joins: React.PropTypes.array, callback: React.PropTypes.func // a callback function to pass through, for modals (note: use Redux?) }, mixins: [ReactMeteorData], getMeteorData() { // subscribe if necessary if (this.props.publication) { const subscription = Meteor.subscribe(this.props.publication, this.props.terms); } const collection = this.props.collection; const document = collection.findOne(this.props.terms); // look for any specified joins if (document && this.props.joins) { // loop over each join this.props.joins.forEach(join => { // get the property containing the id or ids const joinProperty = document[join.property]; const collection = Meteor.isClient ? window[join.collection] : global[join.collection]; // perform the join if (Array.isArray(joinProperty)) { // join property is an array of ids document[join.joinAs] = collection.find({_id: {$in: joinProperty}}).fetch(); } else { // join property is a single id document[join.joinAs] = collection.findOne({_id: joinProperty}); } }); } return { document: document, currentUser: Meteor.user() }; }, render() { const Component = this.props.component; // could be Post or PostEdit if (this.data.document) { return React.cloneElement(this.props.children, { ...this.data, callback: this.props.callback, collection: this.props.collection }); } else { return


} } }); module.exports = ItemContainer;