.desktop-nav{ @include small{ display: none; } } .mobile{ display:none !important; } .mobile-nav{ position:fixed; overflow:auto; width:280px; left:-280px; top:0px; bottom:0px; background:#444; color:white; @include box-shadow(inset -3px 0px 7px black(0.5)); ul{ li{ border-bottom:1px white(0.1) solid; a{ display:block; height:50px; padding:0 10px; line-height:50px; &:hover{ background:$red; color:white; } } } } } .mobile-nav, .content-wrapper{ @include single-transition(ease-out, left, 300ms, 0ms); } .content-wrapper{ position:relative; left:0px; } .mobile-nav-open{ .mobile-nav{ left:0px; } .outer-wrapper{ overflow:hidden; .content-wrapper{ left:280px; } } } @media screen and (max-width: $break-small) { .header-button{ position:relative; display:block; margin-top:10px; background:$red; color:white; height:30px; width:40px; i{ position:absolute; width:100%; text-align:center; line-height:30px; height:30px; font-size:18px; } } .mobile{ display:block !important; } .desktop{ display:none !important; } .grid, .grid-small{ width:100%; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; // padding-left:10px; // padding-right:10px; min-width:200px; } .header{ height:50px; @include border-radius(0px); .logo{ top:0px; left:0px; font-size:22px; line-height:50px; z-index:10; a{ img{ height:auto !important; max-height:40px !important; width:auto !important; } } &.image{ margin-top:-10px; //since the mobile header is 20px thinner than the normal one, take off 10px more } } .auth-buttons{ z-index:100; margin:0; #login-buttons{ display:block !important; } .login-link-and-dropdown-list{ right:0px !important; position:static !important; #login-dropdown-list{ right:0px !important; margin:0px !important; } .login-link-text{ @extend .header-button; @include hide-text2; height:30px !important; margin:10px 0 0 0 !important; display:block !important; &:after{ content: "\75" !important; font-family: 'icomoon' !important; position:absolute; width:100%; text-align:center; line-height:30px !important; height:30px !important; font-size:18px !important; } } } } .mobile-button{ z-index:100; @extend .header-button; span{ display:none; } &.menu{ float:left; } &.submit{ float:right; } &:hover{ background:white; i{ color:$red; } } } } }