Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){ var userProperties = { profile: options.profile || {}, karma: 0, isInvited: false, isAdmin: false, postCount: 0, commentCount: 0, invitedCount: 0 }; user = _.extend(user, userProperties); if ( =; if (getEmail(user)) user.email_hash = getEmailHash(user); if (! = user.username; // set notifications default preferences user.profile.notifications = { users: false, posts: false, comments: true, replies: true }; // create slug from username user.slug = slugify(getUserName(user)); // if this is the first user ever, make them an admin if (!Meteor.users.find().count() ) user.isAdmin = true; // give new users a few invites (default to 3) user.inviteCount = getSetting('startInvitesCount', 3); trackEvent('new user', {username: user.username, email:}); // if user has already filled in their email, add them to MailChimp list if( addToMailChimpList(user); // send notifications to admins var admins = Meteor.users.find({isAdmin: true}); admins.forEach(function(admin){ if(getUserSetting('notifications.users', false, admin)){ var notification = getNotificationContents({ event: 'newUser', properties: { username: getUserName(user), profileUrl: getProfileUrl(user) }, userId: admin._id }, 'email'); sendNotification(notification, admin); } }); return user; }); getEmailHash = function(user){ // todo: add some kind of salt in here return CryptoJS.MD5(getEmail(user).trim().toLowerCase() + user.createdAt).toString(); }; addToMailChimpList = function(user){ // add a user to a MailChimp list. // called when a new user is created, or when an existing user fills in their email if((MAILCHIMP_API_KEY=getSetting('mailChimpAPIKey')) && (MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID=getSetting('mailChimpListId'))){ var email = getEmail(user); if (! email) throw 'User must have an email address'; console.log('adding "'+email+'" to MailChimp list…'); var mailChimp = new MailChimpAPI(MAILCHIMP_API_KEY, { version : '1.3', secure : false }); mailChimp.listSubscribe({ id: MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID, email_address: email, double_optin: false }); } }; Meteor.methods({ changeEmail: function(newEmail) { Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), {$set: {emails: [{address: newEmail}]}}); }, numberOfPostsToday: function(){ console.log(numberOfItemsInPast24Hours(Meteor.user(), Posts)); }, numberOfCommentsToday: function(){ console.log(numberOfItemsInPast24Hours(Meteor.user(), Comments)); }, testEmail: function(){ Email.send({from: '', to: getEmail(Meteor.user()), subject: 'Telescope email test', text: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'}); }, testBuffer: function(){ // TODO }, getScoreDiff: function(id){ var object = Posts.findOne(id); var baseScore = object.baseScore; var ageInHours = (new Date().getTime() - object.submitted) / (60 * 60 * 1000); var newScore = baseScore / Math.pow(ageInHours + 2, 1.3); return Math.abs(object.score - newScore); }, setEmailHash: function(user){ var email_hash = CryptoJS.MD5(getEmail(user).trim().toLowerCase()).toString(); Meteor.users.update(user._id, {$set : {email_hash : email_hash}}); }, addCurrentUserToMailChimpList: function(){ addToMailChimpList(Meteor.user()); } });