import { addCallback } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'; export const initFunctions = []; export const trackFunctions = []; export const addInitFunction = f => { initFunctions.push(f); // execute init function as soon as possible f(); }; export const addTrackFunction = f => { trackFunctions.push(f); }; export const track = async (eventName, eventProperties, currentUser) => { for (let f of trackFunctions) { try { await f(eventName, eventProperties, currentUser); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(`// ${} track error`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(error); } } }; export const addUserFunction = f => { addCallback('', f); }; export const addIdentifyFunction = f => { addCallback('events.identify', f); }; export const addPageFunction = f => { const f2 = (empty, route) => f(route); // rename f2 to same name as f // see const descriptor = Object.create(null); // no inherited properties descriptor.value =; Object.defineProperty(f2, 'name', descriptor); addCallback('router.onUpdate', f2); };