defaultFrequency = 7; defaultPosts = 5; getCampaignPosts = function (postsCount) { var newsletterFrequency = getSetting('newsletterFrequency', defaultFrequency); var xDaysAgo = moment().subtract('days', newsletterFrequency).toDate(); var params = getParameters({ view: 'campaign', limit: postsCount, after: xDaysAgo }); return Posts.find(params.find, params.options).fetch(); } buildCampaign = function (postsArray) { var postsHTML = '', subject = ''; // 1. Iterate through posts and pass each of them through a handlebars template postsArray.forEach(function (post, index) { if(index > 0) subject += ', '; subject += post.title; // the naked post object as stored in the database is missing a few properties, so let's add them var properties = _.extend(post, { authorName: getAuthorName(post), userAvatar: getAvatarUrl(Meteor.users.findOne(post.userId)), cleanHeadline:encodeURIComponent(post.title), cleanURL:encodeURIComponent(post.url), postLink: getPostLink(post) }); if(post.url) properties.domain = getDomain(post.url) postsHTML += Handlebars.templates[getTemplate('emailPostItem')](properties); }); // 2. Wrap posts HTML in digest template var digestHTML = Handlebars.templates[getTemplate('emailDigest')]({ siteName: getSetting('title'), content: postsHTML }); // 3. wrap digest HTML in email wrapper tempalte var emailHTML = buildEmailTemplate(digestHTML); return { postIds: _.pluck(postsArray, '_id'), subject: trimWords(subject, 15), html: emailHTML } } scheduleCampaign = function (campaign) { MailChimpOptions.apiKey = getSetting('mailChimpAPIKey'); MailChimpOptions.listId = getSetting('mailChimpListId'); var htmlToText = Meteor.require('html-to-text'); var text = htmlToText.fromString(campaign.html, { wordwrap: 130 }); var defaultEmail = getSetting('defaultEmail'); if(!!MailChimpOptions.apiKey && !!MailChimpOptions.listId){ console.log( 'Creating campaign…'); try { var api = new MailChimp(); } catch ( error ) { console.log( error.message ); } 'campaigns', 'create', { type: 'regular', options: { list_id: MailChimpOptions.listId, subject: campaign.subject, from_email: getSetting('defaultEmail'), from_name: getSetting('title')+ ' Top Posts', }, content: { html: campaign.html, text: text } }, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function ( error, result ) { if ( error ) { console.log( error.message ); } else { console.log( 'Campaign created'); // console.log( JSON.stringify( result ) ); var cid =; var archive_url = result.archive_url; var scheduledTime = moment().zone(0).add('hours', 1).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss");'campaigns', 'schedule', { cid: cid, schedule_time: scheduledTime }, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function ( error, result) { if (error) { console.log( error.message ); }else{ console.log('Campaign scheduled for '+scheduledTime); console.log(campaign.subject) // console.log( JSON.stringify( result ) ); // mark posts as sent Posts.update({_id: {$in: campaign.postIds}}, {$set: {scheduledAt: new Date()}}, {multi: true}) // send confirmation email var confirmationHtml = Handlebars.templates[getTemplate('emailDigestConfirmation')]({ time: scheduledTime, newsletterLink: archive_url, subject: campaign.subject }); sendEmail(defaultEmail, 'Newsletter scheduled', buildEmailTemplate(confirmationHtml)); } })); } })); } } scheduleNextCampaign = function () { var posts = getCampaignPosts(getSetting('postsPerNewsletter', defaultPosts)); if(!!posts.length){ scheduleCampaign(buildCampaign(posts)) }else{ console.log('No posts to schedule today…') } } Meteor.methods({ testCampaign: function (postsCount) { scheduleNextCampaign(postsCount); } }); SyncedCron.add({ name: 'Schedule digest newsletter.', schedule: function(parser) { // parser is a later.parse object var frequency = getSetting('newsletterFrequency', defaultFrequency); var interval = 'days'; return parser.text('every '+frequency+' '+interval); }, job: function() { scheduleNextCampaign(); } }); Meteor.startup(function() { if(getSetting('newsletterFrequency') != 0) { SyncedCron.start(); }; });