import React from 'react'; import { match as ReactRouterMatch, RouterContext, createMemoryHistory } from 'react-router'; import SsrContext from './ssr_context'; import patchSubscribeData from './ssr_data'; import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'; import Cheerio from 'cheerio'; function IsAppUrl(req) { var url = req.url; if(url === '/favicon.ico' || url === '/robots.txt') { return false; } if(url === '/app.manifest') { return false; } // Avoid serving app HTML for declared routes such as /sockjs/. if(RoutePolicy.classify(url)) { return false; } return true; } let webpackStats; const ReactRouterSSR = {}; export default ReactRouterSSR; // creating some EnvironmentVariables that will be used later on ReactRouterSSR.ssrContext = new Meteor.EnvironmentVariable(); ReactRouterSSR.inSubscription = new Meteor.EnvironmentVariable(); // <-- needed in ssr_data.js ReactRouterSSR.LoadWebpackStats = function(stats) { webpackStats = stats; }; ReactRouterSSR.Run = function(routes, clientOptions, serverOptions) { // this line just patches Subscribe and find mechanisms patchSubscribeData(ReactRouterSSR); if (!clientOptions) { clientOptions = {}; } if (!serverOptions) { serverOptions = {}; } if (!serverOptions.webpackStats) { serverOptions.webpackStats = webpackStats; } Meteor.bindEnvironment(function() { WebApp.rawConnectHandlers.use(cookieParser()); WebApp.connectHandlers.use(Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(req, res, next) { if (!IsAppUrl(req)) { next(); return; } global.__CHUNK_COLLECTOR__ = []; var loginToken = req.cookies['meteor_login_token']; var headers = req.headers; var context = new FastRender._Context(loginToken, { headers }); FastRender.frContext.withValue(context, function() { let history = createMemoryHistory(req.url); if (typeof serverOptions.historyHook === 'function') { history = serverOptions.historyHook(history); } ReactRouterMatch({ history, routes, location: req.url }, Meteor.bindEnvironment((err, redirectLocation, renderProps) => { if (err) { res.writeHead(500); res.write(err.messages); res.end(); } else if (redirectLocation) { res.writeHead(302, { Location: redirectLocation.pathname + }); res.end(); } else if (renderProps) { sendSSRHtml(clientOptions, serverOptions, req, res, next, renderProps); } else { res.writeHead(404); res.write('Not found'); res.end(); } })); }); })); })(); }; function sendSSRHtml(clientOptions, serverOptions, req, res, next, renderProps) { const { css, html } = generateSSRData(clientOptions, serverOptions, req, res, renderProps); res.write = patchResWrite(clientOptions, serverOptions, res.write, css, html); next(); } function patchResWrite(clientOptions, serverOptions, originalWrite, css, html) { return function(data) { if(typeof data === 'string' && data.indexOf('') === 0) { if (!serverOptions.dontMoveScripts) { data = moveScripts(data); } if (css) { data = data.replace('', ''); } if (typeof serverOptions.htmlHook === 'function') { data = serverOptions.htmlHook(data); } let rootElementAttributes = ''; const attributes = clientOptions.rootElementAttributes instanceof Array ? clientOptions.rootElementAttributes : []; if(attributes[0] instanceof Array) { for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { rootElementAttributes = rootElementAttributes + ' ' + attributes[i][0] + '="' + attributes[i][1] + '"'; } } else if (attributes.length > 0){ rootElementAttributes = ' ' + attributes[0] + '="' + attributes[1] + '"'; } data = data.replace('
', '<' + (clientOptions.rootElementType || 'div') + ' id="' + (clientOptions.rootElement || 'react-app') + '"' + rootElementAttributes + '>' + html + '' + (clientOptions.rootElementType || 'div') + '>'); if (typeof serverOptions.webpackStats !== 'undefined') { data = addAssetsChunks(serverOptions, data); } }, data); }; } function addAssetsChunks(serverOptions, data) { const chunkNames = serverOptions.webpackStats.assetsByChunkName; const publicPath = serverOptions.webpackStats.publicPath; if (typeof chunkNames.common !== 'undefined') { var chunkSrc = (typeof chunkNames.common === 'string')? chunkNames.common : chunkNames.common[0]; data = data.replace('', ''); } for (var i = 0; i < global.__CHUNK_COLLECTOR__.length; ++i) { if (typeof chunkNames[global.__CHUNK_COLLECTOR__[i]] !== 'undefined') { chunkSrc = (typeof chunkNames[global.__CHUNK_COLLECTOR__[i]] === 'string')? chunkNames[global.__CHUNK_COLLECTOR__[i]] : chunkNames[global.__CHUNK_COLLECTOR__[i]][0]; data = data.replace('', ''); } } return data; } function generateSSRData(clientOptions, serverOptions, req, res, renderProps) { let html, css; // we're stealing all the code from FlowRouter SSR // const ssrContext = new SsrContext(); ReactRouterSSR.ssrContext.withValue(ssrContext, () => { try { const frData = InjectData.getData(res, 'fast-render-data'); if (frData) { ssrContext.addData(frData.collectionData); } // Uncomment these two lines if you want to easily trigger // multiple client requests from different browsers at the same time // console.log('sarted sleeping'); // Meteor._sleepForMs(5000); // console.log('ended sleeping'); global.__STYLE_COLLECTOR_MODULES__ = []; global.__STYLE_COLLECTOR__ = ''; renderProps = { ...renderProps, ...serverOptions.props }; // fetchComponentData(serverOptions, renderProps); let app =