import { getSetting, registerSetting } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'; import { HTTP } from 'meteor/http'; import { Embed } from '../../modules/embed.js'; registerSetting('embedly', null, 'Embedly settings'); const extractBase = ''; const settings = getSetting('embedly'); const thumbnailWidth = getSetting('thumbnailWidth', 400); const thumbnailHeight = getSetting('thumbnailHeight', 300); if (settings) { const {apiKey} = settings; if(!apiKey) { // fail silently to still let the post be submitted as usual // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log("Couldn't find an Embedly API key! Please add it to your Vulcan settings."); // eslint-disable-line return null; } Embed.embedly = { getData(url) { try { const data = HTTP.get(extractBase, { params: { key: apiKey, url: url, image_width: thumbnailWidth, image_height: thumbnailHeight, image_method: 'crop' } }).data; if (data.images && data.images.length > 0) // there may not always be an image data.thumbnailUrl = data.images[0].url.replace("http:","") // add thumbnailUrl as its own property if (data.authors && data.authors.length > 0) { data.sourceName = data.authors[0].name; data.sourceUrl = data.authors[0].url; } const embedlyData = _.pick(data, 'title', 'media', 'description', 'thumbnailUrl', 'sourceName', 'sourceUrl'); return embedlyData; } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('// Embedly error'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(error); // the first 13 characters of the Embedly errors are "failed [400] ", so remove them and parse the rest const errorObject = JSON.parse(error.message.substring(13)); throw new Error(errorObject.error_message); } }, } }