### v0.15 “SideScope” #### Layout * Added new `postListTop` zone that only appears on post lists. * Now showing tagline on every post list. * Added the Side Nav layout. * New Admin menu layout. #### Settings * Added the Post Views setting. * Changed color settings names. * Added field for optional category image (thanks @dtsepelev!). #### SEO * Added `telescope-sitemap` package (thanks @yourcelf!). * Added improved SEO support (thanks @yourcelf!). * Added field for SEO site image. #### Other * Improved performance when loading comments for long threads (thanks @dandv!). * Usernames are now case and space insensitive. `John Smith`, `JohnSmith`, and `johnsmith` are now all considered to be the same username (thanks @splendido!). * Now using `feedparser` instead of `htmlparser2` to parse RSS feeds (thanks @delgermurun!). * Now supporting RSS categories (thanks @delgermurun). * Refactored dropdowns into menu components. * New `{{{icon}}}` helper for icons, using FontAwesome. * New accent color customization API. * Fixed various bugs (thanks @webyak, @yourcelf, @ywang28, @delgermurun!). * Now publishing upvoters and downvoters on single post page. #### Internationalization * Added Arabic translation (thanks @nwabdou85!). * Added missing translations in Brazilian Portuguese (thanks @alanmeira!). * Improved French translation (thanks @klamzo!). * Romanian translation (thanks @razvansky!). * Added Dutch translation (thanks @reneras!).