Template[getTemplate('dropdownComponent')].helpers({ dropdownClass: function () { var classes = [this.dropdownName+"-menu"]; var mode = this.dropdownMode == "undefined" ? "list" : this.dropdownMode; var count = this.dropdownItems.length; classes.push("dropdown-"+mode); if(!!this.dropdownClass) { classes.push(this.dropdownClass) } // enable dropdown if top-nav layout is enabled, if themes supports dropdowns, and if dropdown isn't empty if (count) { classes.push("dropdown-has-items"); if (count > 3) { classes.push("dropdown-long"); } } else { classes.push("dropdown-no-items"); } return classes.join(" "); }, dropdownLabel: function () { // if label is defined, use this. Else default to dropdown name return !!this.dropdownLabel ? this.dropdownLabel : i18n.t(this.dropdownName); }, showDropdownItem: function () { // if this is an admin item, only show it if current user is admin return this.adminOnly ? isAdmin(Meteor.user()) : true; }, hasTemplate: function () { return !!this.template; }, itemClass: function () { var itemClass = ""; if (this.adminOnly) { itemClass += " admin-item"; } return itemClass; }, itemLabel: function () { // if label is a Function return its result, else return i18n'd version of label return typeof this.label == "function" ? this.label() : i18n.t(this.label); }, itemRoute: function () { // if route is a Function return its result, else apply Router.path() to it return typeof this.route == "function" ? this.route() : Router.path(this.route); } }); Template[getTemplate('dropdownComponent')].events({ 'click .show-more': function (e, t) { e.preventDefault(); $dropdown = t.$('.dropdown'); $dropdown.toggleClass('dropdown-open'); } });