settingsSchemaObject = { title: { type: String, label: "Title", optional: true, autoform: { group: 'general' } }, siteUrl: { type: String, optional: true, label: 'Site URL (with trailing "/")', autoform: { group: 'general' } }, tagline: { type: String, label: "Tagline", optional: true, autoform: { group: 'general' } }, requireViewInvite: { type: Boolean, label: "Require invite to view", optional: true, autoform: { group: 'access' } }, requirePostInvite: { type: Boolean, label: "Require invite to post", optional: true, autoform: { group: 'access' } }, requirePostsApproval: { type: Boolean, label: "Posts must be approved by admin", optional: true, autoform: { group: 'access' } }, emailNotifications: { type: Boolean, label: "Enable email notifications", optional: true, autoform: { group: 'email' } }, nestedComments: { type: Boolean, label: "Enable nested comments", optional: true, autoform: { group: 'comments' } }, redistributeKarma: { type: Boolean, label: "Enable redistributed karma", optional: true, autoform: { group: 'general' } }, defaultEmail: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'email' } }, scoreUpdateInterval: { type: Number, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'scoring' } }, defaultView: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'posts', options:, function (view) { return { value: camelCaseify(view.label), label: view.label }; }) } }, postInterval: { type: Number, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'posts' } }, commentInterval: { type: Number, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'comments' } }, maxPostsPerDay: { type: Number, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'posts' } }, startInvitesCount: { type: Number, defaultValue: 3, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'general' } }, postsPerPage: { type: Number, defaultValue: 10, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'posts' } }, logoUrl: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'logo' } }, logoHeight: { type: Number, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'logo' } }, logoWidth: { type: Number, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'logo' } }, language: { type: String, defaultValue: 'en', optional: true, autoform: { group: 'general' } }, backgroundCSS: { type: String, optional: true, label: "Background CSS: color, image, etc.", autoform: { group: 'extras' } }, // secondaryColor: { // type: String, // optional: true // }, buttonColor: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'colors' } }, buttonTextColor: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'colors' } }, headerColor: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'colors' } }, headerTextColor: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'colors' } }, twitterAccount: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'integrations' } }, googleAnalyticsId: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'integrations' } }, mixpanelId: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'integrations' } }, clickyId: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'integrations' } }, footerCode: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'extras' } }, extraCode: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'extras' } }, emailFooter: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'email' } }, notes: { type: String, optional: true, autoform: { group: 'extras' } }, }; // add any extra properties to settingsSchemaObject (provided by packages for example) _.each(addToSettingsSchema, function(item){ settingsSchemaObject[item.propertyName] = item.propertySchema; }); Settings = new Meteor.Collection("settings"); SettingsSchema = new SimpleSchema(settingsSchemaObject); Settings.attachSchema(SettingsSchema); Settings.allow({ insert: isAdminById, update: isAdminById, remove: isAdminById }); if (Meteor.isClient){ var query = Settings.find(); var handle = query.observeChanges({ added: function (id, fields) { if (fields.language) T9n.language = fields.language; }, changed: function (id, fields) { if (fields.language) T9n.language = fields.language; } }); }