My Reactions
Use Datatable together with userReactedMovies view
Pros: can use Datatable, pagination, withList, etc.
Cons: setting up view can be complex
import React from 'react';
import { Components, withCurrentUser, registerComponent, withDocument } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
import Users from 'meteor/vulcan:users';
import mapProps from 'recompose/mapProps';
import Movies from '../../modules/movies/index.js';
const ReactionCell = ({column, document, currentUser}) =>
const MyReactions = ({results = [], currentUser, loading, loadMore, count, totalCount}) =>
{currentUser ?
Please log in
We want the current user's votes to be loaded in memory on the client so
we need to wrap this component with withDocument.
If we don't, we won't be able to properly filter the list on the client
inside the `userReactedMovies` view.
const options = {
collection: Users,
fragmentName: 'UserMoviesVotes',
const mapPropsFunction = props => ({...props, documentId: props.currentUser && props.currentUser._id});
registerComponent('MyReactions', MyReactions, withCurrentUser, mapProps(mapPropsFunction), [withDocument, options]);