import marked from 'marked'; import Telescope from 'meteor/nova:lib'; import Posts from "meteor/nova:posts"; import Comments from '../collection.js'; import Users from 'meteor/nova:users'; // ------------------------------------- -------------------------------- // // function CommentsNewUserCheck (comment, user) { // // check that user can post // if (!user || !Users.canDo(user, "")) // throw new Meteor.Error(601, 'you_need_to_login_or_be_invited_to_post_new_comments'); // return comment; // } // Telescope.callbacks.add("", CommentsNewUserCheck); function CommentsNewRateLimit (comment, user) { if (!Users.isAdmin(user)) { const timeSinceLastComment = Users.timeSinceLast(user, Comments); const commentInterval = Math.abs(parseInt(Telescope.settings.get('commentInterval',15))); // check that user waits more than 15 seconds between comments if((timeSinceLastComment < commentInterval)) { throw new Meteor.Error("CommentsNewRateLimit", "comments.rate_limit_error", commentInterval-timeSinceLastComment); } } return comment; } Telescope.callbacks.add("", CommentsNewRateLimit); // function CommentsNewSubmittedPropertiesCheck (comment, user) { // // admin-only properties // // userId // const schema = Comments.simpleSchema()._schema; // // clear restricted properties // _.keys(comment).forEach(function (fieldName) { // // make an exception for postId, which should be setable but not modifiable // if (fieldName === "postId") { // // ok // } else { // var field = schema[fieldName]; // if (!Users.canInsertField (user, field)) { // throw new Meteor.Error("disallowed_property", 'disallowed_property_detected' + ": " + fieldName); // } // } // }); // // if no userId has been set, default to current user id // if (!comment.userId) { // comment.userId = user._id; // } // return comment; // } // Telescope.callbacks.add("", CommentsNewSubmittedPropertiesCheck); // ------------------------------------- -------------------------------- // /** * @summary Check for required properties */ // function CommentsNewRequiredPropertiesCheck (comment, user) { // var userId = comment.userId; // at this stage, a userId is expected // // Don't allow empty comments // if (!comment.body) // throw new Meteor.Error(704, 'your_comment_is_empty'); // var defaultProperties = { // createdAt: new Date(), // postedAt: new Date(), // upvotes: 0, // downvotes: 0, // baseScore: 0, // score: 0, // author: Users.getDisplayNameById(userId) // }; // comment = _.extend(defaultProperties, comment); // return comment; // } // Telescope.callbacks.add("", CommentsNewRequiredPropertiesCheck); function CommentsNewGenerateHTMLBody (comment, user) { comment.htmlBody = Telescope.utils.sanitize(marked(comment.body)); return comment; } Telescope.callbacks.add("", CommentsNewGenerateHTMLBody); // ------------------------------------- -------------------------------- // function CommentsNewOperations (comment) { var userId = comment.userId; // increment comment count Users.update({_id: userId}, { $inc: {'__commentCount': 1} }); // update post Posts.update(comment.postId, { $inc: {commentCount: 1}, $set: {lastCommentedAt: new Date()}, $addToSet: {commenters: userId} }); return comment; } Telescope.callbacks.add("", CommentsNewOperations); function CommentsNewUpvoteOwnComment (comment) { if (typeof Telescope.operateOnItem !== "undefined") { var commentAuthor = Users.findOne(comment.userId); // upvote comment Telescope.operateOnItem(Comments, comment, commentAuthor, "upvote"); return comment; } } Telescope.callbacks.add("", CommentsNewUpvoteOwnComment); // add new comment notification callback on comment submit function CommentsNewNotifications (comment) { if (typeof Telescope.notifications !== "undefined" && !comment.isDummy) { // note: dummy content has disableNotifications set to true if(Meteor.isServer && !comment.disableNotifications){ var post = Posts.findOne(comment.postId), postAuthor = Users.findOne(post.userId), userIdsNotified = [], notificationData = { comment: _.pick(comment, '_id', 'userId', 'author', 'htmlBody', 'postId'), post: _.pick(post, '_id', 'userId', 'title', 'url') }; // 1. Notify author of post (if they have new comment notifications turned on) // but do not notify author of post if they're the ones posting the comment if (Users.getSetting(postAuthor, "notifications_comments", true) && comment.userId !== postAuthor._id) { Telescope.notifications.create(post.userId, 'newComment', notificationData); userIdsNotified.push(post.userId); } // 2. Notify author of comment being replied to if (!!comment.parentCommentId) { var parentComment = Comments.findOne(comment.parentCommentId); // do not notify author of parent comment if they're also post author or comment author // (someone could be replying to their own comment) if (parentComment.userId !== post.userId && parentComment.userId !== comment.userId) { var parentCommentAuthor = Users.findOne(parentComment.userId); // do not notify parent comment author if they have reply notifications turned off if (Users.getSetting(parentCommentAuthor, "notifications_replies", true)) { // add parent comment to notification data notificationData.parentComment = _.pick(parentComment, '_id', 'userId', 'author', 'htmlBody'); Telescope.notifications.create(parentComment.userId, 'newReply', notificationData); userIdsNotified.push(parentComment.userId); } } } } } } Telescope.callbacks.add("", CommentsNewNotifications);