import { Components, registerComponent, getSetting, Strings, runCallbacks, detectLocale, hasIntlFields, } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { IntlProvider, intlShape } from 'meteor/vulcan:i18n'; import withCurrentUser from '../containers/withCurrentUser.js'; import withUpdate from '../containers/withUpdate.js'; import withSiteData from '../containers/withSiteData.js'; import { withApollo } from 'react-apollo'; import { withCookies } from 'react-cookie'; import moment from 'moment'; const DummyErrorCatcher = ({ children }) => children; class App extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); if (props.currentUser) { runCallbacks('events.identify', props.currentUser); } const { locale, localeMethod } = this.initLocale(); this.state = { locale, localeMethod }; moment.locale(locale); } componentDidMount() { runCallbacks('app.mounted', this.props); } initLocale = () => { let userLocale = ''; let localeMethod = ''; const { currentUser, cookies, locale } = this.props; const availableLocales = Object.keys(Strings); const detectedLocale = detectLocale(); if (locale) { // 1. locale is passed through SSR process // TODO: currently SSR locale is passed through cookies as a hack userLocale = locale; localeMethod = 'SSR'; } else if (cookies && cookies.get('locale')) { // 2. look for a cookie userLocale = cookies.get('locale'); localeMethod = 'cookie'; } else if (currentUser && currentUser.locale) { // 3. if user is logged in, check for their preferred locale userLocale = currentUser.locale; localeMethod = 'user'; } else if (detectedLocale) { // 4. else, check for browser settings userLocale = detectedLocale; localeMethod = 'browser'; } // if user locale is available, use it; else compare first two chars // of user locale with first two chars of available locales const availableLocale = Strings[userLocale] ? userLocale : availableLocales.find(locale => locale.slice(0, 2) === userLocale.slice(0, 2)); // 4. if user-defined locale is available, use it; else default to setting or `en-US` if (availableLocale) { return { locale: availableLocale, localeMethod }; } else { return { locale: getSetting('locale', 'en-US'), localeMethod: 'setting' }; } }; getLocale = truncate => { return truncate ? this.state.locale.slice(0, 2) : this.state.locale; }; setLocale = async locale => { const { cookies, updateUser, client, currentUser } = this.props; this.setState({ locale }); cookies.remove('locale', { path: '/' }); cookies.set('locale', locale, { path: '/' }); // if user is logged in, change their `locale` profile property if (currentUser) { await updateUser({ selector: { documentId: currentUser._id }, data: { locale } }); } moment.locale(locale); if (hasIntlFields) { client.resetStore(); } }; getChildContext() { const messages = Strings[this.getLocale()] || {}; const intlProvider = new IntlProvider({ locale: this.getLocale() }, messages); const { intl } = intlProvider.getChildContext(); return { intl: intl, getLocale: this.getLocale, setLocale: this.setLocale, }; } componentWillUpdate(nextProps) { if (!this.props.currentUser && nextProps.currentUser) { runCallbacks('events.identify', nextProps.currentUser); } } render() { const currentRoute = _.last(this.props.routes); const LayoutComponent = currentRoute.layoutName ? Components[currentRoute.layoutName] : Components.Layout; // if defined, use ErrorCatcher component to wrap layout contents const ErrorCatcher = Components.ErrorCatcher ? Components.ErrorCatcher : DummyErrorCatcher; return (
{this.props.currentUserLoading ? ( ) : this.props.children ? ( {this.props.children} ) : ( )}
); } } App.propTypes = { currentUserLoading: PropTypes.bool, }; App.childContextTypes = { intl: intlShape, setLocale: PropTypes.func, getLocale: PropTypes.func, }; App.displayName = 'App'; const updateOptions = { collectionName: 'Users', fragmentName: 'UsersCurrent', }; registerComponent('App', App, withCurrentUser, withSiteData, [withUpdate, updateOptions], withApollo, withCookies); export default App;