serveAPI = function(limitSegment){ var posts = []; var limit = 100; // default limit: 100 posts if(this.request.query.limit){ // first, try getting the limit from the request (i.e. ?limit=100) limit = this.request.query.limit; }else if(typeof limitSegment !== 'undefined'){ // else, get it from the URL segment limit = limitSegment; } Posts.find({status: STATUS_APPROVED}, {sort: {submitted: -1}, limit: limit}).forEach(function(post) { var url = (post.url ? post.url : getPostUrl(post._id)); var properties = { headline: post.headline, author:, date: post.submitted, url: url, guid: post._id }; if(post.body) properties['body'] = post.body; if(post.url) properties['domain'] = getDomain(url); if(twitterName = getTwitterNameById(post.userId)) properties['twitterName'] = twitterName; posts.push(properties); }); return JSON.stringify(posts); } Meteor.Router.add({ '/feed.xml': function() { var feed = new RSS({ title: getSetting('title'), description: getSetting('tagline'), feed_url: Meteor.absoluteUrl()+'feed.xml', site_url: Meteor.absoluteUrl(), image_url: Meteor.absoluteUrl()+'img/favicon.png', }); Posts.find({status: STATUS_APPROVED}, {sort: {submitted: -1}, limit: 20}).forEach(function(post) { feed.item({ title: post.headline, description: post.body+'

Comments', author:, date: post.submitted, url: (post.url ? post.url : getPostUrl(post._id)), guid: post._id }); }); return feed.xml(); }, '/api': serveAPI, '/api/:limit': serveAPI });