Comments = new Meteor.Collection('comments'); Comments.allow({ insert: canCommentById , update: canEditById , remove: canEditById }); Comments.deny({ update: function(userId, post, fieldNames) { if(isAdminById(userId)) return false; // may only edit the following fields: return (_.without(fieldNames, 'text').length > 0); } }); Meteor.methods({ comment: function(postId, parentCommentId, text){ var user = Meteor.user(), post=Posts.findOne(postId), postUser=Meteor.users.findOne(post.userId), timeSinceLastComment=timeSinceLast(user, Comments), cleanText= cleanUp(text), commentInterval = Math.abs(parseInt(getSetting('commentInterval',15))), properties={ 'commentAuthorId': user._id, 'commentAuthorName': getDisplayName(user), 'commentExcerpt': trimWords(stripMarkdown(cleanText),20), 'postId': postId, 'postHeadline' : post.headline }; // check that user can comment if (!user || !canComment(user)) throw new Meteor.Error('You need to login or be invited to post new comments.'); // check that user waits more than 15 seconds between comments if(!this.isSimulation && (timeSinceLastComment < commentInterval)) throw new Meteor.Error(704, 'Please wait '+(commentInterval-timeSinceLastComment)+' seconds before commenting again'); // Don't allow empty comments if (!cleanText) throw new Meteor.Error(704,'Your comment is empty.'); var comment = { post: postId, body: cleanText, userId: user._id, submitted: new Date().getTime(), author: getDisplayName(user) }; if(parentCommentId) comment.parent = parentCommentId; var newCommentId=Comments.insert(comment); Posts.update(postId, {$inc: {comments: 1}});'upvoteComment', newCommentId); properties.commentId = newCommentId; if(!this.isSimulation){ if(parentCommentId){ // child comment var parentComment=Comments.findOne(parentCommentId); var parentUser=Meteor.users.findOne(parentComment.userId); properties.parentCommentId = parentCommentId; properties.parentAuthorId = parentComment.userId; properties.parentAuthorName = getDisplayName(parentUser); // do not notify users of their own actions (i.e. they're replying to themselves) if(parentUser._id != user._id)'createNotification','newReply', properties, parentUser, user); // if the original poster is different from the author of the parent comment, notify them too if(postUser._id != user._id && parentComment.userId != post.userId)'createNotification','newComment', properties, postUser, user); }else{ // root comment // don't notify users of their own comments if(postUser._id != user._id)'createNotification','newComment', properties, postUser, Meteor.user()); } } return properties; }, removeComment: function(commentId){ var comment=Comments.findOne(commentId); // decrement post comment count Posts.update(, {$inc: {comments: -1}}); // note: should we also decrease user's comment karma ? Comments.remove(commentId); } });